#### Functional > In order to run and hot reload the app either on emulator or device, follow the [instructions](https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/test-drive?tab=androidstudio#run-the-app) ###### Does the app run without any crashes? ###### Can you increment the counter by tapping the "+" button? ###### Is the BLoC pattern implemented properly? Can you see the `BlocObserver`, `BlocProvider`, and `BlocBuilder` being used explicitly in the code? ###### Are the `increment` and `decrement` operations implemented using the BLoC pattern, with the `CounterBloc` class managing the state of the counter? ###### Does the app properly display the current value of the counter, and does it update automatically when the counter's value changes? ###### Are all relevant files and folders organized properly, according to the recommended project structure in the README? #### Bonus ###### +Can you decrement the counter by tapping the "-" button?