#### Functional > In order to run and hot reload the app either on emulator or device, follow the [instructions](https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/test-drive?tab=androidstudio#run-the-app) ###### Does the app run without crashing? ###### Does the app display celestial objects on a black canvas? ###### Check the current position of the Sun, is it accurate? (use google or a reliable source to know what is the accurate position and compare it to this app) ###### Are the moon, Mars, and Venus visible in the app? ##### Ask student about the constellations of their choice, and try find them in the app. ###### Are the constellations visible in the app? ###### Check if the retrieved data is either from a public API or from a file. If the data comes from file, check its validity? (ask the student to help you determine if it was an API or a File if necessary) ##### Try tapping on the Sun and Mars. ###### Does the app display a short description about the objects such as mass or name? ###### Try moving the phone around, does it change the celestial objects shown on the display? ##### Ask student about pattern implementation. If they used BLoC ask them to explain the pattern, and [check](https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_bloc) whether they implemented it correctly. If they used Provider ask them to explain the pattern, and [check](https://pub.dev/packages/provider) whether they implemented it correctly. ###### Was the pattern implemented correctly?