#### Functional ###### Does the game avoid the use of frameworks? ###### Is an introduction of the story provided in the beginning of the game? ##### Try playing the game and reach the specific score to make the development part of the story appear. ###### Does the development part of the story appear when you reach the specific score? ##### Try finishing the game (either win or lose). ###### Is a conclusion of the story provided when the game ends? ##### Try using the Dev Tool/Performance. ###### Is there no frame drop? ##### Try using the Dev Tool/Performance. ###### Does the game run at/or around 60fps? ##### Try using the Dev Tool/performance and the option rendering with the paint ON, if possible. ###### Is the paint being used the less possible? ##### Try using the Dev Tool/performance and the option rendering with the layer ON, if possible. ###### Are the layers being used the less possible? ###### Are the creation of the [layers being promoted](https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/rendering/stick-to-compositor-only-properties-and-manage-layer-count) properly? #### Bonus ###### +Does the conclusion change depending whether you lose or win? ###### +Is the story appealing and interesting? ###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursivity, no unnecessary data requests, etc...) ###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](../../good-practices/README.md)? ###### +Is the code using synchronicity to increase performance? ###### +Do you think this project is well done in general?