## Merge two One very useful data structure in Python are the dictionaries, in this exercise we will start to familiarize and use them. ### Instructions Create a file `merge_two.py` which will have a function named `merge_two()`. This function will accept one dictionary. It will prompt the user to create a new dictionary asking for keys and values. The function will always convert the `values` into integers. As a return it will create a third one which will be the merge of the two dictionaries and return it as a serialized JSON string. > If the key entered by the user is `exit` the function will stop asking for new key/values pairs and proceed to generate the desired output. Here is the prototype of the function: ```python def merge_two(first_dict): # this is a function, # write your code here ``` ### Usage Here is a possible code to test your function. Put it in another file (ex: `test.py`): ```python from merge_two import merge_two first = { "Bob": 36, "Louise": 23, "Lea": 34 } print(merge_two(first)) ``` Run your test file with the following command: ```console $ python3 test.py Add a new entry: key: Louise value: 44 Add a new entry: key: Romolo value: 30 Add a new entry: key: Lea value: 22 Add a new entry: key: exit {"Bob": 36, "Louise": 44, "Lea": 22, "Romolo": 30} $ ``` ### Hints - If a key is repeated in both dictionaries the value retained will be the last one. - There are different ways to merge dictionaries, take the time to understand the differences in between those techniques and try more than one technique to better retain it. - Add `import json` to use the standard functions for JSON manipulation. - Use the function `input()` to read from `stdin` and `int()` to convert the value to a number. > Your solution will be tested only for valid inputs (all the values will be convertible to `int`). ### References - [Merging dictionaries in Python](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/python-merging-two-dictionaries/) - [JSON library in Python](https://docs.python.org/3/library/json.html) - [Function input() in Python](https://www.w3schools.com/python/ref_func_input.asp)