#### General Knowledge-Check: ###### Is the student able to explain clearly what port means? ###### Is the student able to explain clearly what ports scanning means? ###### Is the student able to explain clearly why the ports scanning is important in the pentesting? ###### Is the student able to explain clearly how his program works? ##### Check the Repo content Files that must be inside your repository: - Your program source code. - a README.md file, Which clearly explains how to use the program. ###### Does the required files present? ##### Evaluate the student's submission The student must launch his program by passing the IP address of a website as the first argument and as the second argument "80" which corresponds to port 80, open to all IP addresses using the HTTP protocol. Port 80 is therefore open on all HTTP sites. 21 FTP 22 SSH 23 Telnet 25 SMTP 53 DNS 80 HTTP 110 POP3 115 SFTP 135 PRC 139 NetBIOS 143 IMAP 194 CRI 443 SSL 445 SMB 1433 MSSQL 3306 mysql 3389 Remote Desktop 5632 PCAnywhere 5900 VNC 25565 Minecraft Run `tinyscanner -p -t 80` ###### Does port 80 show as open? Run a local server using udp protocole with the port 8080 and run `tinyscanner -p -u 80` ###### Does port 80 show as open? Run `tinyscanner --help` ```console $> tinyscanner --help Usage: tinyscanner [OPTIONS] [HOST] [PORT] Options: -p Range of ports to scan -u UDP scan -t TCP scan --help Show this message and exit. ``` ###### Is the program display an output similar to that? #### Bonus ###### +Is the service name displayed?