## multiplayer_fps ### Instructions Write your own version of the game [maze wars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V5X5SbSjns). You should recreate all the elements of the game, but you have freedom to implement the user interface. ### Objectives #### User Interface The game should present a specific User Interface, in which the minimum requirements are: - A mini map where the player can see his own position and the whole "game world". - The graphics of the game (walls and other players) should be similar to the original game (see [maze_wars](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V5X5SbSjns) for more details) - Finally you have to display the frame rate of the game on the screen. #### Architecture - Implement a client-server architecture where clients connect to a central server to play the game. - Your implementation should allow one client and the server to run on the same machine, with other clients connecting from different machines. - Use the UDP protocol to enable the communication between the clients and the server. - The game should have at least 3 levels with increasing difficulty (with difficulty we mean, making the maze harder, with more dead ends). You will have to develop the game server and also a client application: - The server must accept as much connections as possible (the minimum should be 10). - When the client is initialized, the game should ask for: - The IP address of the server, allowing the client application to connect to any server. - A username for identification. After providing the above information, the game should start and open the graphical interface, allowing the player to join and start playing the game. Example: Assuming that you can connect to a server in the same computer. ```console $ cargo run Enter IP Address: Enter Name: name Starting... $ ``` #### Performance The game should always have a frame rate above 50 fps (frames per second). ### Bonus As bonus for this project here are some ideas: - Implement a level editor to allow players to create their own mazes. - Implement an algorithm that generates automatically new mazes. - Implement A.I. players to allow playing the game without having to wait for more people to join to the server. - For the basic implementation you can initialize the game from the command line. As a bonus you can implement the initialization of the game as part of the graphical interface and save a history of the hosts with an alias so it's easier to reconnect to known servers. This project will help you learn about: - GUI applications - Game mechanics - [UDP protocol](https://searchnetworking.techtarget.com/definition/UDP-User-Datagram-Protocol)