#### Functional > In order to run and hot reload the app either on emulator or device, follow the [instructions](https://docs.flutter.dev/get-started/test-drive?tab=androidstudio#run-the-app) ###### Does the app run without crashing? ###### Does the game start with a 4x4 grid and 3-4 `tiles` randomly placed? ###### Are those `tiles` valued at either 2 or 4? ###### Can players swipe the `tiles` in any of the four directions, and do they move as far as possible in that direction? ###### Do `tiles` with the same value merge into one `tile` with twice the value when they collide? ###### Is the score updated when `tiles` are merged? ###### Does a new `tile` appear randomly on the board after each move? ###### Are animations used to smoothly move and merge the `tiles`? ###### Does the game stop when no legal moves are possible and does it allow the user to restart? ###### Does the game include a functionality to track and display the current and best scores. ###### Is the current score displayed during gameplay? ###### Is the best score updated if necessary when the game is over? #### Bonus ###### +Does the game contain a user interface (UI), including buttons for moving "pieces" and displaying scores? ###### +Does the game have difficulty levels or other gameplay options, such as the ability to choose the value of the `tiles` (e.g. 2, 4, 8, etc.) or the size of the board (e.g. 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, etc.). ###### +Does the game have sound effects or background music to enhance the gameplay experience. ###### +Does the game support different devices and screen sizes like tablets or smartphones?