#!/bin/sh set -e cd student if ! test "$SKIP_FORMATTING"; then s=$(goimports -d .) if test "$s"; then echo 'Your Go files are not correctly formatted :' echo echo '$ goimports -d .' echo "$s" exit 1 fi fi if ! find . -type f -name '*.go' | grep -q .; then echo "Missing Go file: $FILE" exit 1 fi if find . -type f -name '*.go' -exec grep -qE 'print(ln)?\(' {} +; then echo "Your Go files cannot use print & println builtins" exit 1 fi # Check restrictions if test "$ALLOWED_FUNCTIONS" && test "$FILE"; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 rc "$FILE" $ALLOWED_FUNCTIONS fi cd # Compile and run test if command -v "${EXERCISE}_test" >/dev/null 2>&1; then # The exercise is a program go build -o exe "./student/$EXERCISE" "${EXERCISE}_test" else # The exercise is a function mkdir src ln -s $(pwd)/student $(pwd)/src/student GOPATH=$GOPATH:$PWD go build "func/${EXERCISE}_test" "./${EXERCISE}_test" fi