## Introduction ### Instructions #### 1- get-ready Create in your github account the repository named `piscine-go`. Once created, clone that repository on your desktop. If your github username was `kigiri` this is the command that will need to be used : `git clone https://github.com/kigiri/piscine-go` This command needs to be adapted with **your own github username**. This repository will be the folder where all the exercices must be submitted. #### 2- set Once the repository is properly created, write your first shell program called `hello.sh` When executed this program must print `hello {username}!` Where `{username}` is your GitHub username ##### Usage If the `{username}` is `kigiri` : ```console user@host:~/piscine$ ./hello.sh Hello kigiri! user@host:~/piscine$ ``` #### 3- go-say-hello After that the `hello.sh` is executing properly, it needs to be uploaded to the repository with the following commands : 1. `git add hello.sh` 2. `git commit -m "My very first commit"` 3. `git push origin master` Once these steps are executed properly, the file can now be submitted for grading on the platform by clicking on the `submit` button. This action will run the tests on your submitted `hello.sh` file.