## flags ### Instructions Write a **program** that can have as arguments `--insert` (or `-i`), `--order` (or `-o`) and a `string`. This program should : - Insert the string given to the `--insert` (or `-i`), in the `string` argument, if given. - Order the `string` argument if given the flag `--order` (or `-o`). - In case there are no arguments or the flag `--help` (or `-h`) is given, it should print the options, as shown in the example. Example of output : ```console student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/flags$ go build student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/flags$ ./flags --insert=4321 --order asdad 1234aadds student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/flags$ ./flags --insert=4321 asdad asdad4321 student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/flags$ ./flags asdad asdad student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/flags$ ./flags --order 43a21 1234a student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/flags$ ./flags --insert -i This flag inserts the string into the string passed as argument. --order -o This flag will behave like a boolean, if its called it will order the argument. student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/flags$ student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/flags$ ./flags -h --insert -i This flag inserts the string into the string passed as argument. --order -o This flag will behave like a boolean, if its called it will order the argument. student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/flags$ student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/flags$ ./flags --help --insert -i This flag inserts the string into the string passed as argument. --order -o This flag will behave like a boolean, if its called it will order the argument. student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/flags$ ```