const SIZE = 100 const MAP = new Int8Array(SIZE * SIZE) // State of the Map const isFree = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 0 // 0 = block free const isOccupied = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 1 // 1 = block occupied const isMe = ai => // is true if this AI is you // `inBounds` check if our coord (n) is an existing index in our MAP const inBounds = n => n < SIZE && n >= 0 // `isInBounds` check that properties x and y of our argument are both in bounds const isInBounds = ({ x, y }) => inBounds(x) && inBounds(y) // `pickRandom` get a random element from an array const pickRandom = arr => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] // `addToMap` save the new positions into the map const addToMap = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] = 1 // `update` this function is called at each turn const update = state => { // update is called with a state argument that has 3 properties: // ais: an array of all the AIs // ai: the current AI // Each AIs contains: // color: A number that represent the color of a AI // name: A string of the AI name // score: A number of the total block collected by this AI // coords: An array of 4 coordinates of the nearest blocks // Each coordinate (and AI) contains: // x: The horizontal position // y: The vertical position // index: The computed index of the coord (x * 100 + y) // cardinal: A number between 0 and 3 that represent the cardinal // [ 0: NORTH, 1: EAST, 2: SOUTH, 3: WEST ] // N // W + E // S // // direction: A number between 0 and 3 that represent the direction // [ 0: FORWARD, 1: RIGHT, 2: BACKWARD, 3: LEFT ] // note that AIs initial cardinal is random (depending on the seed) // your AI cardinal is the way you are facing // Saving state between each updates: // I update the MAP with the new position of each AIs state.ais.forEach(addToMap) // Actual AI logic: // I filter my array of coords to keep only those that are in bounds const coordsInBound = // I filter again to keep coords that are free const available = coordsInBound.filter(isFree) // And I return a random available coord return pickRandom(available) }