## Introduction This documentation is a quickstart guide for the use of metabase in a school server. Pre-requisites: - An access account given by your administrator. - A basic knowledge of SQL. ### Where to enter your SQL queries The path to metabase is `{DOMAIN}/metabase` . After loggin with valid credentials this is where you land, In the bottom section `OUR DATA`. - Click on the `metabase` database. - A folder `public` should appear among others. Click on it. At this point you can see all tables of the public sql database. To execute a query, simply click on the top right button `write SQL`. Following are examples of SQL queries to help you get you started. ## Examples of SQL queries ### Sign up The following query returns the users that are currently in the sign up process. ```sql SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u."githubLogin", u.attrs ->> 'email' as email, u.attrs ->> 'image' as image, u.attrs ->> 'lastName' as "last-name", u.attrs ->> 'firstName' as "firstName", u."createdAt" as "account-creation-date" FROM public.user u WHERE u.id NOT IN (SELECT "userId" FROM public.user_role) AND u.id NOT IN (SELECT "userId" FROM public.progress p WHERE p."userId"=u.id); ``` ### Toad The following query returns the users that are currently in the toad process. The information includes user and games information. ```sql -- query for **TOAD** SELECT DISTINCT u.id, "githubLogin", u.attrs ->> 'name' as name, u.attrs ->> 'email' as email, u.attrs ->> 'image' as image, u.attrs ->> 'gender' as gender, u.attrs ->> 'country' as country, u.attrs ->> 'language' as language, u.attrs ->> 'lastName' as "last-name", u.attrs ->> 'firstName' as "firstName", u.attrs ->> 'dateOfBirth' as "date-of-birth", u.attrs ->> 'environment' as environment, u.attrs ->> 'general-conditionsAcceptedname' as "general-conditions-accepted", u."createdAt" as "account-creation-date", r.attrs ->> 'score' as "game-score", r.attrs ->> 'allowedAttempts' as "allowed-attempts", r.attrs ->> 'games' as games FROM public.user u LEFT JOIN public.result r ON u.id=r."userId" AND r.path LIKE '%/onboarding/games' WHERE r."type"='admin_selection' AND u.id NOT IN (SELECT "userId" FROM public.user_role) AND r.grade IS NULL AND r.attrs ->> 'games' IS NOT NULL ORDER BY r.attrs ->> 'score' ASC; ``` ### Administration The following query returns the users currently in the administration process. This includes all information about the user, the number of attempts and the current phase. ```sql -- query for **administration** SELECT DISTINCT u.id, u."githubLogin", r.attrs ->> 'name' as name, r.attrs ->> 'email' as email, r.attrs ->> 'image' as image, r.attrs ->> 'gender' as gender, r.attrs ->> 'country' as country, r.attrs ->> 'language' as language, r.attrs ->> 'firstName' as "first-name", r.attrs ->> 'lastName' as "last-name", r.attrs ->> 'discordId' as "discord-id", r.attrs ->> 'addressCity' as "address-city", r.attrs ->> 'dateOfBirth' as "date-of-birth", r.attrs ->> 'environment' as environment, r.attrs ->> 'medicalInfo' as "medical-info" , r.attrs ->> 'discordLogin' as "discord-login" , r.attrs ->> 'placeOfBirth' as "place-of-birth" , r.attrs ->> 'addressStreet' as "address-street" , r.attrs ->> 'addressCountry' as "address-country" , r.attrs ->> 'countryOfBirth' as "country-of-birth" , r.attrs ->> 'chart01Accepted' as "chart-01-accepted" , r.attrs ->> 'id-cardUploadId' as "id-card-uploadId", r.attrs ->> 'addressPostalCode' as "address-postal-code" , r.attrs ->> 'emergencyLastName' as "emergency-last-name" , r.attrs ->> 'emergencyFirstName' as "emergency-first-name" , r.attrs ->> 'regulationAccepted' as "regulation-accepted" , r.attrs ->> 'emergencyAffiliation' as "emergency-affiliation" , r.attrs ->> 'addressComplementStreet' as "address-complement-street" , r.attrs ->> 'general-conditionsAccepted' as "general-conditions-accepted", u."createdAt" as "account-creation-date", r.attrs ->> 'phase' as phase, COUNT(p.id) as attempts FROM public.user u LEFT JOIN public.result r ON u.id=r."userId" AND r.path LIKE '%/onboarding/administration' AND r.grade IS NULL LEFT JOIN public.progress p ON u.id=p."userId" AND p.path LIKE '%/onboarding/administration' WHERE r."type"='admin_selection' AND u.id NOT IN (SELECT "userId" FROM public.user_role) GROUP BY u.id, r.attrs; ``` ### Xp per user per activity The following query returns the amount of xp per user and per activity. ```sql WITH xp_user AS ( SELECT u."githubLogin", xp.amount, xp.path, xp."eventParentId" FROM public.user u LEFT JOIN public.xp_by_event xp ON xp."userId"=u.id WHERE xp.amount IS NOT NULL ORDER BY u."githubLogin" ASC ) SELECT xu."githubLogin", xu.amount, xu.path, e.path as "parent-path" FROM xp_user xu LEFT JOIN public.event e ON e.id=xu."eventParentId"; ``` ### Xp per user The following query returns the amount of xp per user. ```sql -- user per xp SELECT u.id, u."githubLogin", u.attrs ->> 'name' as name, u.attrs ->> 'email' as email, u.attrs ->> 'image' as image, u.attrs ->> 'gender' as gender, u.attrs ->> 'country' as country, u.attrs ->> 'language' as language, u.attrs ->> 'lastName' as "last-name", u.attrs ->> 'firstName' as "firstName", u.attrs ->> 'dateOfBirth' as "date-of-birth", u.attrs ->> 'environment' as environment, u.attrs ->> 'general-conditionsAcceptedname' as "general-conditions-accepted", u."createdAt" as "account-creation-date", xp.amount as "xp-amount" FROM public.user u, public.xp xp WHERE u.id=xp."userId" ORDER BY xp.amount DESC; ``` ### Group status per captain The following query returns the groups status per captain. ```sql -- group status SELECT u."githubLogin", g.path, g.status FROM public.user u, public."group" g WHERE u.id=g."captainId" ORDER BY u."githubLogin" ASC; ``` ### Group progresses The following query returns the progress per group. ```sql -- group progresses WITH progress_group AS ( SELECT p.path, p.grade, p."isDone", p.campus, g."captainId", g.status FROM public.progress p LEFT JOIN public."group" g ON g.id=p."groupId" ) SELECT DISTINCT u."githubLogin", pg.status as "group-status", pg.path, pg.grade, pg."isDone", pg.campus FROM public.user u LEFT JOIN progress_group pg ON "captainId"=u.id WHERE pg.path IS NOT NULL ORDER BY u."githubLogin" ASC; ```