const SIZE = 100 const MAP = new Int8Array(SIZE * SIZE) // State of the Map const isFree = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 0 // 0 = block free const isOccupied = ({ x, y }) => MAP[y * SIZE + x] === 1 // 1 = block occupied const inBounds = n => n < SIZE && n >= 0 const isInBounds = ({ x, y }) => inBounds(x) && inBounds(y) const pickRandom = arr => arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)] // ok check if we can move on this block const ok = (x = -1, y = -1) => { const coords = typeof x !== 'number' ? x : { x, y } return isFree(coords) && isInBounds(coords) } const isAlley = (card, x, y) => { switch (card) { case 0: if (ok(x, y - 1) && !ok(x + 1, y - 1) && !ok(x - 1, y - 1)) { while (ok(x, y - 1) && !hasLateralWalls(0, x, y)) { y-- if (hasLateralWalls(0, x, y)) return true } } return false case 1: if (ok(x + 1, y) && !ok(x + 1, y + 1) && !ok(x + 1, y - 1)) { while (ok(x + 1, y) && !hasLateralWalls(1, x, y)) { x++ if (hasLateralWalls(1, x, y)) return true } } return false case 2: if (ok(x, y + 1) && !ok(x + 1, y + 1) && !ok(x - 1, y + 1)) { while (ok(x, y + 1) && !hasLateralWalls(2, x, y)) { y++ if (hasLateralWalls(2, x, y)) return true } } return false case 3: if (ok(x - 1, y) && !ok(x - 1, y + 1) && !ok(x - 1, y - 1)) { while (ok(x - 1, y) && !hasLateralWalls(3, x, y)) { x-- if (hasLateralWalls(3, x, y)) return true } } return false } } const hasLateralWalls = (card, x, y) => { switch (card) { case 0: return !(ok(x + 1, y) || ok(x - 1, y) || ok(x, y - 1)) case 1: return !(ok(x, y - 1) || ok(x, y + 1) || ok(x + 1, y)) case 2: return !(ok(x + 1, y) || ok(x - 1, y) || ok(x, y + 1)) case 3: return !(ok(x, y - 1) || ok(x, y + 1) || ok(x - 1, y)) } } const goDirection = (ai, card) => ok(ai.coords[card]) && !isAlley(card, ai.x, ai.y) && ai.coords[card] const findEnemy = state => state.ais.filter(p => !==[0] const seekEnemy = state => { if (state.ais.length === 1) return const enemy = findEnemy(state) const xPla = const yPla = const xOpo = enemy.x const yOpo = enemy.y const xDif = xPla - xOpo const yDif = yPla - yOpo return ( (Math.abs(xDif) > Math.abs(yDif) && goDirection(, xPla < xOpo ? 1 : 3)) || goDirection(, yPla < yOpo ? 2 : 0) ) } const walk = state => seekEnemy(state) || goDirection(, 0) || goDirection(, 1) || goDirection(, 2) || goDirection(, 3) const addToMap = ({ x, y }) => (MAP[y * SIZE + x] = 1) const update = state => { state.ais.forEach(addToMap) return walk(state) }