[ { "description": "battleCry is defined and is a function", "code": "equal(typeof battleCry, 'function')" }, { "description": "secretOrders is defined and is a function", "code": "equal(typeof secretOrders, 'function')" }, { "description": "battleCry has one and only one argument", "code": "equal(battleCry.length, 1)" }, { "description": "secretOrders has one and only one argument", "code": "equal(secretOrders.length, 1)" }, { "description": "battleCry shouts properly", "code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\n// Your code\n\nbattleCry('attack')\nbattleCry('you shall not pass!')\n\nequal(args.flat(), ['ATTACK', 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS!'])" }, { "description": "secretOrders whispers properly", "code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\n\n// Your code\n\nsecretOrders('ExEcutE Order 66')\nsecretOrders('SILENCE')\n\nequal(args.flat(), ['execute order 66', 'silence'])" }, { "description": "We can call both functions", "code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\n\n// Your code\n\nsecretOrders('This Is The WAY')\nbattleCry('for the horde !')\n\nequal(args.flat(), ['this is the way', 'FOR THE HORDE !'])" }, { "description": "duos is defined and is a function", "code": "equal(typeof duos, 'function')" }, { "description": "duos takes two arguments", "code": "equal(duos.length, 2)" }, { "description": "duos logs the expected result", "code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\n\n// Your code\n\nduos('Batman', 'Robin')\nduos('Pinky', 'The Brain')\nduos('Bonnie', 'Clyde')\nduos('Mr.', 'Mrs.Smith')\n\nequal(\n args.map((arg) => arg.join(' ')),\n [\n 'Batman and Robin!',\n 'Pinky and The Brain!',\n 'Bonnie and Clyde!',\n 'Mr. and Mrs.Smith!',\n ],\n)" }, { "description": "duosWork is defined and is a function", "code": "equal(typeof duosWork, 'function')" }, { "description": "duosWork takes three arguments", "code": "equal(duosWork.length, 3)" }, { "description": "duosWork logs the expected result", "code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\n\n// Your code\n\nduosWork('Batman', 'Robin', 'protect Gotham')\nduosWork('Pinky', 'The Brain', 'want to conquer the world')\nduosWork('Bonnie', 'Clyde', 'escape the Police')\nduosWork('Mr.', 'Mrs.Smith', 'are the greatest spy couple')\n\nequal(\n args.map((arg) => arg.join(' ')),\n [\n 'Batman and Robin protect Gotham!',\n 'Pinky and The Brain want to conquer the world!',\n 'Bonnie and Clyde escape the Police!',\n 'Mr. and Mrs.Smith are the greatest spy couple!',\n ],\n)" }, { "description": "passButter is defined and is a function", "code": "equal(typeof passButter, 'function')" }, { "description": "passButter returns The butter properly", "code": "equal(passButter(), 'The butter')" }, { "description": "calling passButter mulitple time should always return the butter", "code": "equal(\n [passButter(), passButter(), passButter()],\n ['The butter', 'The butter', 'The butter'],\n)" } ]