#### Competitive Analyzes ###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”? ###### Are the deliverables labeled as Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Are the deliverables in the correct format? ###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Is there an introduction that explains the main conclusions? ###### Is there a [competitive landscape](https://venngage-wordpress.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2019/03/g2crowd-grid.png) like this example? ###### Are there 2 relevant axes on the competitive landscape? ###### Are there 10 organizations that appear on the landscape? ###### Is there a [competitive table](https://venngage-wordpress.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2019/03/product-features-comparison-matrix.png) like this example? ###### Are there 5 to 10 criteria on the competitive table? ###### Are there 10 organizations that appear on the table? #### Surveys ###### Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Is the deliverable in the correct format (PDF)? ###### Is there a title within the document? ###### Is the document clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Is there the main purpose of the form? ###### Are there 1 to 3 hypotheses? ###### Is there a proper introduction that describes the interviewer and the purpose of this interview? ###### Are there 3 to 5 main topics? ###### Are there a few screening questions? ###### Are there closed-ended, unbiased questions? (10 maximum) ###### Is there a funnel process? (broader to more accurate questions) ###### Is there a conclusion with the next steps and a thank you message? ###### Is there a link to the survey ready to be spread? #### Broadcast strategy ###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”? ###### Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Are the deliverables in the correct format? ###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Are the ideas structured and organized? ###### Is the target defined in terms of profile, age rank, situations, location? ###### Are there at least 8 different channels (and links) with social networks, pages, groups, forums, influencers, etc. included? ###### Are there at least two different messages? ###### Are there at least 3 rounds of campaigns as plans A, B and C? ###### Are there at least 40 answers? ###### Is there a feedback document including the main takeaways from this experience? #### Interviews ###### Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”? ###### Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Are the deliverables in the correct format? ###### Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Is there a PDF document with an interview guide. ###### Are there 3 scripts? ###### Is there an [affinity diagram](https://d2slcw3kip6qmk.cloudfront.net/marketing/blog/2017Q1/affinity-diagram3.png) from the interviews? #### Second Personas ###### Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Is the deliverable in the correct format (PDF)? ###### Is there a title within the document? ###### Is the document clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Is there a framework? ###### Does the persona have a name (consistent with the people interviewed)? ###### Is there demographic data? ###### Are the persona's pain points included? ###### Are the persona's drivers included? ###### Are the persona's behaviors included (hobbies, technology, whatever seems relevant)? #### Second User Journey ###### Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Is the deliverable in the correct format (Figma)? ###### Is there a title within the document? ###### Is the document clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Is there a frame with a timeline? ###### Does the timeline show the journey of the persona? ###### Are there emotions included at each step? ###### Are the main pain points highlighted? #### Third Problem Statement ###### Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”? ###### Is the deliverable in the correct format (PDF)? ###### Is there a title within the document? ###### Is the document clear, simple and easy to read? ###### Is the problem statement written with a "How Might We" question? ###### Does the problem statement include the persona's main goal or main pain point? ###### Is the problem statement narrow enough? ###### Is the problem statement broad enough? ###### Are there 3 measurable KPIs ([check the SMART list](https://www.grow.com/blog/how-to-use-smart-goals-to-build-your-kpis))?