## listforeachif ### Instructions Write a function `ListForEachIf` that applies a function given as argument to the data within some of the nodes of the list `l`. - This function receives two functions: - `f` is a function that is applied to the node. - `cond` is a function that returns a `boolean` and it will be used to determine if the function `f` should be applied to the node. - The function given as argument must have a pointer `*NodeL` as argument. ### Expected function and structure ```go type NodeL struct { Data interface{} Next *NodeL } type List struct { Head *NodeL Tail *NodeL } func IsPositive_node(node *NodeL) bool { switch node.Data.(type) { case int, float32, float64, byte: return node.Data.(int) > 0 case string, rune: return false } return false } func IsNegative_node(node *NodeL) bool { switch node.Data.(type) { case int, float32, float64, byte: return node.Data.(int) < 0 case string, rune: return false } return false } func IsNotNumeric_node(node *NodeL) bool { switch node.Data.(type) { case int, float32, float64, byte: return false case string, rune: return true } return true } func ListForEachIf(l *List, f func(*NodeL), cond func(*NodeL) bool) { } ``` ### Usage Here is a possible program to test your function : ```go package main import ( piscine ".." "fmt" ) func PrintElem(node *piscine.NodeL) { fmt.Println(node.Data) } func StringToInt(node *piscine.NodeL) { node.Data = 2 } func PrintList(l *piscine.List) { it := l.Head for it != nil { fmt.Print(it.Data, "->") it = it.Next } fmt.Print("nil","\n") } func main() { link := &piscine.List{} piscine.ListPushBack(link, 1) piscine.ListPushBack(link, "hello") piscine.ListPushBack(link, 3) piscine.ListPushBack(link, "there") piscine.ListPushBack(link, 23) piscine.ListPushBack(link, "!") piscine.ListPushBack(link, 54) PrintList(link) fmt.Println("--------function applied--------") piscine.ListForEachIf(link, PrintElem, piscine.IsPositive_node) piscine.ListForEachIf(link, StringToInt, piscine.IsNotNumeric_node) fmt.Println("--------function applied--------") PrintList(link) fmt.Println() } ``` And its output : ```console $ go run . 1->hello->3->there->23->!->54->nil --------function applied-------- 1 3 23 54 --------function applied-------- 1->2->3->2->23->2->54->nil $ ```