## joker-num ### Instructions In this exercise you are going to create a guessing game. Create the script `joker-num.sh` which will receive the number to guess as argument. The number should be between 1 and 100 (inclusive). The player will then have 5 tries to guess the number. To achieve this you will have to use a `for` loop. When you're trying to guess the secret number with a valid input, your program must output some tips as follow: - First you will need to prompt a message so that the player knows what he must do: `"Enter your guess ( tries left)`. - If the number is bigger than the secret one: `Go down`. - If the number si smaller than the secret one: `Go up`. - If the number is the correct one: `Congratulations, you found the number in moves!`. - If you ran out of tries: `You lost, the number was `. ### Usage ```console $ ./joker-num.sh 55 Enter your guess (5 tries left): 50 Go up Enter your guess (4 tries left): 75 Go down Enter your guess (3 tries left): 55 Congratulations, you found the number in 3 moves! $ ./joker-num.sh 70 Enter your guess (5 tries left): 70 Congratulations, you found the number in 1 moves! $ ``` ### Error handling - If the player enters the wrong number of arguments or the number is not between `1` and `100`, the program will print `Error: wrong argument` and exit with `1`. - If the player is writing something that is not a valid number as an answer, the program will ask again to enter a new a guess and the number of tries won't be decremented. Here an example for the last scenario: ```console $ ./joker-num.sh 100 Enter your guess (5 tries left): aaaa Enter your guess (5 tries left): # Here the player only press enter Enter your guess (5 tries left): 10 Go up Enter your guess (4 tries left): 20 Go up Enter your guess (3 tries left): 10000 Enter your guess (3 tries left): 30 Go up Enter your guess (2 tries left): 40 Go up Enter your guess (1 tries left): 50 Go up You lost, the number was 100 ``` ### Hints - `read`: this command can be used to read input from the command line. For example: ```console $ read guess ``` After running that line, you would type your guess, press `Enter`, and it would be stored in the `$guess` variable for later use. - `if [[ -z "$var" ]]`: could be helpful to check if a string is empty.