## rotatevowels ### Instructions Write a **program** that checks the arguments for vowels. - If the argument contains vowels you have to reverse the order of the vowels in the argument. - If the number of arguments are less than 1, the program display a new line, `\n`. - If the arguments doesn't have any vowels, the program just print the arguments. Example of output : ```console student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ go build student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./rotatevowels "Hello World" Hollo Werld student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./rotatevowels "Hello World" "problem solved" Hello Werld problom solved student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./rotatevowels "str" "shh" "psst" str shh psst student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./rotatevowels "happy thoughts" "good luck" huppy thooghts guod lack student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ./rotatevowels student@ubuntu:~/piscine-go/test$ ```