package main import ( "strconv" "../lib" "./correct" "./student" ) type ListSa = correct.List type Lista = student.List func listToStringStu11(l *Lista) string { var res string it := l.Head for it != nil { switch it.Data.(type) { case int: res += strconv.Itoa(it.Data.(int)) + "-> " case string: res += it.Data.(string) + "-> " } it = it.Next } res += "" return res } // makes the test, compares 2 lists one from the solutions and the other from the student func comparFuncList1(l *Lista, l1 *ListSa, data []interface{}) { for l.Head != nil || l1.Head != nil { if (l.Head == nil && l1.Head != nil) || (l.Head != nil && l1.Head == nil) { lib.Fatalf("\ndata used: %v\nstudent list:%s\nlist:%s\n\nListPushFront()== %v instead of %v\n\n", data, listToStringStu11(l), correct.ListToString(l1.Head), l.Head, l1.Head) } if l.Head.Data != l1.Head.Data { lib.Fatalf("\ndata used: %v\nstudent list:%s\nlist:%s\n\nListPushFront()== %v instead of %v\n\n", data, listToStringStu11(l), correct.ListToString(l1.Head), l.Head, l1.Head) } l1.Head = l1.Head.Next l.Head = l.Head.Next } } // to insert a value in the first position of the list func main() { link1 := &Lista{} link2 := &ListSa{} table := []correct.NodeTest{} table = correct.ElementsToTest(table) table = append(table, correct.NodeTest{ Data: []interface{}{"Hello", "man", "how are you"}, }, ) for _, arg := range table { for _, item := range arg.Data { student.ListPushFront(link1, item) correct.ListPushFront(link2, item) } comparFuncList1(link1, link2, arg.Data) link1 = &Lista{} link2 = &ListSa{} } }