## in-the-dark ### Instructions Create a script `in-the-dark.sh` which will execute a job in the background that will run the command `ls` which will recursively list all files and directories in the current directory and its subdirectories. The output will be piped into the `grep` command, which will search for all files with the `.txt` extension. After the search is complete, you must redirect to a file "new" the following string "Search complete". You also need to List all background jobs. You must do all these steps running only one job! Expected output: ```console $ ./in-the-dark.sh [1]+ Running "Your running job, this is just an example of output" news_amazon.txt model_forecasts.txt Ecommerce_purchases.txt breast_cancer_readme.txt shadow.txt standard.txt thinkertoy.txt $ cat new Search complete $ ``` ### Hints To run the `ls` command recursively in the background on a lot of files, you can use the `-R` option which will recursively list all files and directories in the current directory and its subdirectories. The output must be piped into the grep command. Here is a similar example. ```console $ ls is-winner printalphabetalt printcomb2 question_mark onlyz organize_garage tetris-optimizer unzipstring $ ls | grep "z" onlyz organize_garage tetris-optimizer unzipstring ``` The `&&` operator is used to combine multiple commands, and execute them as a single command. It is often used to run multiple commands in sequence, where the second command only runs if the first command succeeds. ```console $ touch newfile.txt && chmod 755 newfile.txt $ ls -l -rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 0 jan 2 17:29 newfile.txt $ ``` This will run the `touch` command, which will create a new file called "newfile.txt". If the touch command succeeds, the `chmod` command will run and change the permissions of "newfile.txt" to allow the owner to read, write, and execute the file, and allow everyone else to read and execute the file. > You have to use Man or Google to know more about commands flags, in order to solve this exercise! > Google and Man will be your friends!