## borrow ### Instructions Complete the signature and the body of the `str_len` **function** that receives a string or a string literal and returns its length without taking ownership of the value (i.e, borrowing the value). ### Expected Function (The signature needs to be completed) ```rust pub fn str_len(s: ) -> usize { } ``` ### Notions [Primitive Type str](https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/primitive.str.html) ### Usage Here is a possible program to test your function : ```rust fn main() { let s = "hello"; let s1 = "camelCase".to_string(); println!("\tstr_len(\"{}\") = {}", s, str_len(s)); println!("\tstr_len(\"{}\") = {}", s1, str_len(&s1)); } ``` And its output: ```rust student@ubuntu:~/[[ROOT]]/test$ cargo run str_len("hello") = 5 str_len("camelCase") = 9 student@ubuntu:~/[[ROOT]]/test$ ```