## AdventureMonster ### Instructions Create a new class `Monster` in a new file `Monster.java`. This class inherits from `Character`. It has one constructor, with the same parameters as `Character` (`name` and `maxHealth`). You need to override `toString` method, use the following format : * if the monster is still alive : ` is a monster with HP`. * Otherwise : ` is a monster and is dead`. ### Usage Here is a possible ExerciseRunner.java to test your function : ```java public class ExerciseRunner { public static void main(String[] args) { Character aragorn = new Character("Aragorn", 20); Monster slime = new Monster("Slime", 15); System.out.println(Character.printStatus()); Character winner = Character.fight(aragorn, slime); System.out.println(Character.printStatus()); } } ``` and its output : ```shell $ javac *.java -d build $ java -cp build ExerciseRunner ------------------------------------------ Characters currently fighting : - Aragorn : 20/20 - Slime is a monster with 15 HP ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ Characters currently fighting : - Aragorn : 11/20 - Slime is a monster and is dead ------------------------------------------ $ ``` ### Notions [Inheritance](https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/subclasses.html)