## Bouncer The main objective of this project is to demonstrate how to work with phone hardware, specifically the [accelerometer](https://www.credencys.com/blog/accelerometer/#:~:text=What%20does%20an%20accelerometer%20in,the%20orientation%20of%20your%20app.). By the end, you will have a fully functional mobile game that can be played on your phone. ### Instructions The app should be a simplified version of the classic `90s bouncing ball game`, where the player's objective is to destroy all `blocks` in the screen and prevent the `ball` from touching the bottom of the screen as it moves around, for that you will have to use the phone's `accelerometer` to control the `player's tile`. ### Rules of the game - The `ball` moves in a linear manner and changes direction when it hits a `wall`, a `block` or the `player's tile`. The direction change happens by this [rule](https://www.toppr.com/ask/en-af/question/1865186/): the degree it came with should be the degree it goes out, similar to real-life experience. - All `blocks` disappear when they are hit by the `ball`. - You lose the game when the `ball` touches the bottom part of the screen, and a "You lost!" message is displayed. - You win the game when all `blocks` are destroyed, and a "You Won!" message is displayed. - The `player's tile` moves according to the phone's tiltiness. If the phone is tilted more towards the right side, so does the tile, the same with the left side. - When the `player's tile` reaches the end of the display, it should never go off the end of the display's dimensions. Here's an example:
### Bonus - Add sound effects. - Implement different difficulty levels for the game. This can include increasing the speed of the `ball`, reducing the size of the player tile, or adding more `blocks` to the game board. - Include power-ups that can help the player. - Add different game modes to the game. For example, you could include a "timed mode". #### Notions - [Animations](https://docs.flutter.dev/development/ui/animations) - [Flutter_sensors](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq5zNPJufD0) - [Accelerometer](https://www.credencys.com/blog/accelerometer/#:~:text=What%20does%20an%20accelerometer%20in,the%20orientation%20of%20your%20app.)