> Due to file size reason, the solution might be uploaded on GitHub instead of Gitea! #### Functional ###### When you open the game, is there a button to press to start playing? ###### Is the map a large squared landscape terrain, scaled at 10 by 10 units? ###### Is the action happening at night time in a forest-like environment? ###### Does the map contain trees, little facilities (like shelters or little buildings), monuments, rocks and grass around the landscape? ###### Were the buildings created using [BSP](https://www.worldofleveldesign.com/categories/ue4/bsp-01-what-is-bsp.php)? ###### Does the map contain 8 pages spread around the map in the facilities or monuments the student created? ###### Does the map contains at least three different types of floor surfaces: dirt, grass and concrete? ###### If you exit and re-enter the game, did the pages changed spots on the locations? ###### Does the monster come to standstill if it enters the field of view of the player? ###### Does the "Creep" randomly teleports to another location? ###### Does the "Creep" only appears after the player collects one page? ###### Does the monster makes the task of collecting the 8 pages more difficult? ###### Does a music/sound gets played and the camera starts to stutter when the creature appears in the sight of the player? ###### Is the player controlling a FPS (First Person Shooter) character? ###### Can the player move around using the WASD keys and look around using mouse input? ###### Can the player collect the pages by left-clicking on them? ###### Is a sound played when the player collects a page? ###### Is a text displayed stating how many pages are left every time the player collects a page? ###### Can the player toggle a flashlight on or off when pressing the "F" key? ###### Is a sound played when toggling the flashlight on or off? ###### Can you hear the sound of the player footsteps when he walks? ###### Are there three different sounds to the footsteps, when on dirt, grass and concrete? ###### Does the forest turns from night time to day time when the player collects all of the 8 pages? ###### When finishing the game, do the credits (names of the developers) show up? #### Bonus ###### +Does the game contain a 3D Main menu? ###### +Is the creature different from the one provided?