## Highest ### Instructions In this exercise you will be given a `Numbers` struct. Your task is to write these methods: - `List` that returns an `array` with every number in the struct - `Latest` that returns an `Option` with the last added number - `Highest` that return an `Option` with the highest number from the list, - `Highest_Three` that returns a `Vec` with the three highest numbers. ### Notions - https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/iter/trait.Iterator.html ### Expected functions ```rust fn List(&self) -> &[u32] {} fn Latest(&self) -> Option {} fn Highest(&self) -> Option {} fn Highest_Three(&self) -> Vec {} ``` ### Usage Here is a program to test your function. ```rust #[derive(Debug)] struct Numbers<'a> { numbers: &'a [u32], } fn main() { let expected = [30, 500, 20, 70]; let n = Numbers::new(&expected); println!("{:?}", n.List()); println!("{:?}", n.Highest()); println!("{:?}", n.Latest()); println!("{:?}", n.Highest_Three()); } ``` And its output ```console student@ubuntu:~/[[ROOT]]/test$ cargo run [30, 500, 20, 70] Some(500) Some(70) [500, 70, 30] student@ubuntu:~/[[ROOT]]/test$ ```