#!/usr/bin/env bash # Unofficial Bash Strict Mode set -euo pipefail IFS=' ' FILENAME="student/auto-exec-bin.sh" script_dirS=$(cd -P "$(dirname "$BASH_SOURCE")" &>/dev/null && pwd) setupbin() { if [ -f ${FILENAME} ]; then echo "bin already exists!" else mkdir -p ~/myBins curl -o ~/myBins/01exec https://assets.01-edu.org/devops-branch/01exec chmod +x ~/myBins/01exec echo "bin installed!" fi } challenge() { # run soultion script export PATH="" $(bash "$script_dirS"/$FILENAME) submitted=$(cd / && 01exec) # run student script export PATH="" $(bash "$script_dirS"/solutions/auto-exec-bin.sh) expected=$(cd / && 01exec) # diff diff <(echo "$submitted") <(echo "$expected") } # True if FILE exists and is a regular file if [ -f ${FILENAME} ]; then # FILE exists and it's not empty if [ -s ${FILENAME} ]; then if [[ $(cat $FILENAME | grep echo | wc -l) -ne 0 ]]; then echo "echo is not allowed in this exercise!" exit 1 fi setupbin challenge else echo "The file exist but is empty" exit 1 fi else echo "File does not exist" exit 1 fi