package main import ( "fmt" "os" ) const SIZE = 2048 func main() { if len(os.Args) != 2 { return } progpoint := []byte(os.Args[1]) var arby [SIZE]byte pos := 0 openBr := 0 // opened brackets i := 0 // iterates through the source code passed in the argument N := len(progpoint) // length of the source code for i >= 0 && i < N { switch progpoint[i] { case '>': // Increment the pointer pos++ case '<': // decrement the pointes pos-- case '+': // increment the pointed byte arby[pos]++ case '-': // decrement the pointed byte arby[pos]-- case '.': // print the pointed byte on std output fmt.Printf("%c", rune(arby[pos])) case '[': // go to the matching ']' if the pointed byte is 0 (while start) openBr = 0 if arby[pos] == 0 { for i < N && (progpoint[i] != byte(']') || openBr > 1) { if progpoint[i] == byte('[') { openBr++ } else if progpoint[i] == byte(']') { openBr-- } i++ } } case ']': // go to the matching '[' if the pointed byte is not 0 (while end) openBr = 0 if arby[pos] != 0 { for i >= 0 && (progpoint[i] != byte('[') || openBr > 1) { if progpoint[i] == byte(']') { openBr++ } else if progpoint[i] == byte('[') { openBr-- } i-- } } } i++ } }