## fprime ### Instructions Write a program that takes a positive `int` and displays its prime factors on the standard output, followed by a newline. - Factors must be displayed in ascending order and separated by `*`, so that the expression in the output gives the right result. - If the number of parameters is not 1, simply display a newline. - The input, when there's one, will be valid. Example of output : ```console student@ubuntu:~/piscine/test$ go build student@ubuntu:~/piscine/test$ ./test 225225 3*3*5*5*7*11*13 student@ubuntu:~/piscine/test$ ./test 8333325 3*3*5*5*7*11*13*37 student@ubuntu:~/piscine/test$ ./test 9539 9539 student@ubuntu:~/piscine/test$ ./test 804577 804577 student@ubuntu:~/piscine/test$ ./test 42 2*3*7 student@ubuntu:~/piscine/test$ ./test student@ubuntu:~/piscine/test$ ```