### Functional ##### Try to like any post of your choice. ###### Does the liked post appear on the activity page? ##### Try to dislike any post of your choice. ###### Does the disliked post appear on the activity page? ##### Try to comment any post of your choice. ###### Does the comment appear on the activity page along with the commented post you made? ##### Try to create a new post. ###### Does new post appear on the activity page? ##### Try to login as another user and make a comment on the post you created above. Then return to the user that created the post. ###### Did the user who created the post received a notification saying that the post has been commented? ##### Try to login as another user and like the post you created above. Then return to the user that created the post. ###### Did the user who created the post received a notification saying that the post has been liked? ##### Try to login as another user and dislike the post you created above. Then return to the user that created the post. ###### Did the user who created the post received a notification saying that the post has been disliked? ##### Try to edit a post and a comment of your choice. ###### Is it allowed to edit posts and comments? ##### Try to remove a post and a comment of your choice. ###### Is it allowed to remove posts and comments? ###### As an auditor, is this project up to every standard? If not, why are you failing the project?(Empty Work, Incomplete Work, Invalid compilation, Cheating, Crashing, Leaks) #### General ##### +Are there any other feature not mentioned in the [subject](README.md)? #### Basic ###### +Does the project runs quickly and effectively (Favoring of recursion, no unnecessary data requests, etc.)? ###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](../../../good-practices/README.md)? ###### +Is there a test file for this code? #### Social ###### +Did you learn anything from this project? ###### +Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?