> Due to file size reason, the solution might be uploaded on GitHub instead of Gitea! #### Functional ###### Is a main menu displayed at the game startup offering 5 options? ###### Does the Credits button show you the names of the developers that worked on the project? ###### Does the Quit button make the player quit the game? ###### Does the Start button on the main menu start a new game? ###### Does the Character button show you the unlockable characters and the price to unlock them? ###### Does the Leaderboard button show the 5 best scores? ###### Does the Stats button show the games stats (amount of coins you have collected overall, how many times you died, number of games and highest score)? ###### Does the map contain obstacles that the player has to dodge? ###### Can you confirm that there is no 3D objects in the game? ###### Is the game meant to be played in landscape mode? ###### Is the player heading on the right side? ###### Is the background moving from right to left, giving the illusion that the player is the one moving? ###### Is the map infinite if the character does not hit anything? ###### Does each action (running, jumping, ducking and dying) play a different flipbook? ###### When the character hits an obstacle does he die? ###### When the character dies, is a score screen displayed, and the player needs to enter 3 characters to save his score in the Leaderboard? ###### If the score of the player is one of the best 5 scores ever, does the Leaderboard gets updated? ###### Can the character collect coins/gems? ###### Does the invincibility bar fill up when collecting coins/gems? ###### Does the character becomes invincible for a little while once the player touch the invincibility bar? ###### When the invincibility bar gets emptied, does the character come back to normal? ###### Are the jump and duck/roll button accessible using thumbs when holding the phone? ###### Can the character jump and duck/roll when touching the buttons? ###### Are the highest score and current score displayed on the top middle of the screen while playing? ###### Is the current score being updated as you play? ###### Is a pause button available to the player? ###### Does the Retry button on the pause menu start a new game, losing the previous progress made? ###### Does the Menu button on the pause menu take the player to the main menu, losing the previous progress made? ###### When pressing the pause button, does the game stop on the background and the retry, menu, and quit button appear on screen? ###### Does the Quit button on the pause menu, quit the entire app? ###### When quitting the app and turning back, does the Stats and Leaderboard menu still contain data? ###### If in the Leaderboard or Stats menu you press the reset button, is all the data reset to 0? ###### Is the apk built using the latest Android SDK version? #### Bonus ###### +Can the player buy an extra life before the start of the game using coins/gems? ###### +Are different sprites being used from the ones provided? ###### +Are there different map backgrounds? ###### +Can the coins/gems be used in an in-game store to buy skins or perks?