> Due to file size reason, the solution might be uploaded on GitHub instead of Gitea! #### Functional ###### Does the map contain places for the player to hide from enemies? ###### Does the map contain buildings, pickable ammunition and weapons placed around the map? ###### Does the player have all the minimal animation required (walking, running, melee attacking, aiming, reloading, shooting, crouching, crouch walking, crouch aiming, crouch reloading, crouch shooting)? ###### Is there a sound for the player shooting? ###### Are there bullets impacts present when shooting at a wall? ###### When the player is hit, are there any blood particles? ###### Is a main menu with the five options displayed on the screen? ###### Can the general sound of the game be managed directly on the settings menu? ###### When changing the resolution, does a pop-up get displayed on the screen to confirm the changes we just set? ###### Does pressing “No” on the graphics confirmation pop-up, resets the settings to the old ones? ###### Are the mouse settings (mouse sensitivity, invert mouse vertical axis) functioning according to their descriptions? ###### Do the guards and drones wander around the map? ###### When a player enters the field of view of a guard, does he switches to chasing mode, running and shooting towards the player while also taking cover? ###### Does the drone light switches between each state? Blue for patrolling and red for chase mode (when a player crosses its sight)? ###### Whenever a drone turns to chasing mode, do all the guards in the area get alerted and switch to chasing mode as well? ###### Does the drone come back to patrol mode when the player is out of the drone sight? ###### Is the sight radius of the drones smaller than the guards? ###### Are cameras attached to walls? ###### Do cameras have similar light sign as the drones (red for alert mode and blue for patrol)? ###### As the drones, do the cameras alert guards on the area, switching them to chasing mode? ###### Do Guards, Drones and Cameras play an alert sound when a player gets detected? ###### Do some cameras lock access to certain areas of the map, when they detect a player? ###### Can the camera close some part of the map (thru closed doors, open traps and tries to kill the player etc…) to the player when the player is being detected? ###### Are Behavior Trees used to implement the AI of the Guards and Drones? ###### Does the player have a goal? ###### When the goal of the player is successfully completed, does a pop up appear saying that the mission is completed? ###### Does the player have a health bar? ###### Does the player health decreases when he gets shot by the guards? ###### When the player loses all his health (dies), does he get to choose whether to quit the game, go back to the main menu, or to start over? ###### If the player starts over does he spawn back at the starting point? ###### Is the lifespan of the game at least 6 minutes long from launch to mission completed? #### Bonus ###### +Are there headshots implemented?