#### Functional ##### Try creating a post with a PNG image. ###### Was the post created successfully? ##### Try creating a post with a JPEG image. ###### Was the post created successfully? ##### Try creating a post with a GIF image. ###### Was the post created successfully? ##### Try to create a post with an image larger than 20mb at your choice. ###### Were you warned that this was not possible? ##### Try navigating through the site and come back to one of the created posts. ###### Can you still see the image associated to that post? ###### As an auditor, is this project up to every standard? If not, why are you failing the project?(Empty Work, Incomplete Work, Invalid compilation, Cheating, Crashing, Leaks) #### General ###### +Can you create a post with a different image type? #### Basic ###### +Does the code obey the [good practices](../../../good-practices/README.md)? ###### +Are the instructions in the website clear? #### Social ###### +Did you learn anything from this project? ###### +Would you recommend/nominate this program as an example for the rest of the school?