# Eventful Token ### Instructions - Create a Smart Conctract named `eventfulToken` - Like MinimalToken, its constructor takes as parameter an amount that is given initially to the deployer. - Create an event `Transfer(address, address, uint)` that returns the address from which the funds where transferred (the variable should be called `sender`), the address of the `recipient` and the `amount` of the transfer. Trigger the event within the transfer function - Create an event `Minting(address, amount)` that returns the `address` `recipient` to which token were minted and the `amount` of tokens created. Trigger the event when appropriate. ### Notions - [solidity docs](https://docs.soliditylang.org/) - [learn X in Y](https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/solidity/) - [Remix IDE](https://remix.ethereum.org) - [hardhat](https://hardhat.org)