#### Payment Channel ##### Read the documentation ###### Does the README file contains the instructions to install the project? ###### Is the executable available for various platforms? ###### Does the documentation provide explanations on how to? ###### Does thunder-cli --help provide information on the command and its options? ###### Does thunder --help provide information on the command and its captions? ##### Launch a local blockchain testnet , deploy a THD smart contract as specified in the documentation (using for instance a prepopulated address of the local testnet) ###### Is the token deployed on the testnet? ###### Is the address provided correctly credited in THD? ##### Launch thunderd on the default port using `thunderd` ###### Is the server launched? ###### Does `thunder-cli infos` display information about the node? ###### Is thunderd connected to the local testnet? ##### import a wallet using `thunder-cli importwallet “seed seed seed…” (using a prepopulated seed phrase from the local testnet for instance). ###### Does the command execute without error? ###### Does `thunder-cli balance` displays the correct balance? ##### In another terminal, launch another node `thunderd --port 2002` ###### Does `thunder-cli --port 2002` display information about this new node? ##### Import a second wallet to this secondary node ###### Does the command execute without error? ###### Does `thunder-cli balance` display the correct balance? ##### Connect the first node to the second one using the `connect` command ###### Does the command execute without error? ###### Does `thunder-cli infos` applied to the first node reflect the connection? ###### Does `thunder-cli infos` applied to the second node reflect the connection? ##### Open a channel from the first node to the second one with 10 THD ###### Is the channel smart contract deployed on the blockchain? ###### Does `thunder-cli balance` display that 100 THD are available, 10 of which are locked in the channel? ##### Pay 5 THD from the first node the user of the second node with `thunder-cli pay 5` ###### Does `thunder-cli balance`on the first node still display that 95 THD are still available, 5 of which are locked in the channel? ###### Does `thunder-cli balance`on the second node reflect that 5THD are now available in this channel? ##### As the user of the second channel, close the channel using the `closechannel` command, and wait for the challenge period (potentially creating empty blocks) ###### Can the second user withdraw the funds? ###### Is the balance of the first user correctly updated? ###### Is the balance of the second user correctly updated?