import * as cp from 'child_process' import fs from 'fs/promises' import { tmpdir } from 'os' import { promisify } from 'util' const mkdir = fs.mkdir const writeFile = fs.writeFile const readFile = fs.readFile const exec = promisify(cp.exec) export const tests = [] export const setup = async ({ path }) => { const tmpPath = `${tmpdir()}/happiness-manager` await mkdir(tmpPath) await mkdir(`${tmpPath}/guests`) const run = async (folder, file) => { const output = await exec( `node ${path} ${tmpPath}/${folder} ${tmpPath}/${file}`, ) const fileContent = await readFile(`${tmpPath}/${file}`, 'utf8').catch( (err) => (err.code === 'ENOENT' ? 'output file not found' : err), ) return { data: fileContent === 'output file not found' ? fileContent : JSON.parse(fileContent), stdout: output.stdout.trim(), } } const resetAnswersIn = async ({ folder }) => { const dir = await fs.readdir(`${tmpPath}/${folder}`) await Promise.all( => fs.rm(`${tmpPath}/${folder}/${file}`))) } const createAnswers = (nb, elem) => [...Array(nb).keys()].map(() => elem) const setAnswersIn = async ({ answers, folder }) => { await resetAnswersIn({ folder }) await Promise.all( async (content, idx) => await writeFile( `${tmpPath}/${folder}/${idx}.json`, JSON.stringify(content, null, '\t'), 'utf8', ), ), ) } return { run, tmpPath, createAnswers, resetAnswersIn, setAnswersIn } } tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test with no vips (no {answer: yes}) // no file should be created, a special message should appear in console const answers = ctx.createAnswers(2, { answer: 'no' }) await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { stdout, data } = await'guests', 'happy-list.json') return eq( { stdout, data }, { stdout: 'No one is coming.', data: 'output file not found' }, ) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { food: 'carnivores' } // should create a list with burgers and potatoes const answers = ctx.createAnswers(2, { answer: 'yes', food: 'carnivore' }) await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-carn-list.json') return eq(data, { burgers: 2, potatoes: 2 }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { food: 'fish' } // should create a list with sardines and potatoes const answers = [ { answer: 'no', food: 'fish' }, ...ctx.createAnswers(3, { answer: 'yes', food: 'fish' }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-fish-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 3, sardines: 3 }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { food: 'everything' } // should create a list with kebabs and potatoes const answers = [ { answer: 'no', food: 'everything' }, ...ctx.createAnswers(3, { answer: 'yes', food: 'everything' }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-omni-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 3, kebabs: 3 }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { drink: 'beer' } // should create a list with 6-packs-beers and potatoes const answers = [ { answer: 'no', drink: 'beer' }, ...ctx.createAnswers(1, { answer: 'yes', drink: 'beer' }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-beer-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 1, '6-packs-beers': 1 }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { drink: 'beer' } // should create a list with 6-packs-beers and potatoes const answers = [ { answer: 'no', drink: 'beer' }, ...ctx.createAnswers(6, { answer: 'yes', drink: 'beer' }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-beer-pack-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 6, '6-packs-beers': 1 }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { drink: 'wine' } // should create a list with wine-bottles and potatoes const answers = [ ...ctx.createAnswers(3, { answer: 'no', drink: 'wine' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(5, { answer: 'yes', drink: 'wine' }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-wine-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 5, 'wine-bottles': 2 }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { drink: 'wine' } // should create a list with wine-bottles and potatoes const answers = ctx.createAnswers(8, { answer: 'yes', drink: 'wine' }) await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-wine-bottle-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 8, 'wine-bottles': 2 }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { drink: 'water' } // should create a list with water-bottles and potatoes const answers = [ ...ctx.createAnswers(2, { answer: 'no', drink: 'water' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(2, { answer: 'yes', drink: 'water' }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-water-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 2, 'water-bottles': 1 }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { drink: 'water' } // should create a list with water-bottles and potatoes const answers = ctx.createAnswers(7, { answer: 'yes', drink: 'water' }) await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-water-bottle-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 7, 'water-bottles': 2 }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { drink: 'soft' } // should create a list with soft-bottles and potatoes const answers = [ ...ctx.createAnswers(8, { answer: 'no', drink: 'soft' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(12, { answer: 'yes', drink: 'soft' }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-soft-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 12, 'soft-bottles': 3 }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { drink: 'soft' } // should create a list with soft-bottles and potatoes const answers = ctx.createAnswers(13, { answer: 'yes', drink: 'soft' }) await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-soft-bottle-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 13, 'soft-bottles': 4 }) }) // tests with veggstuff // 1) vegan but no veggie tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { food: 'vegan' } // should create a list with eggplants, mushrooms, courgettes and potatoes const answers = [ ...ctx.createAnswers(2, { answer: 'no', food: 'vegan' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(4, { answer: 'yes', food: 'vegan' }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-vegan-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 4, mushrooms: 4, eggplants: 2, courgettes: 2, hummus: 2, }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { food: 'vegan' } // should create a list with eggplants, mushrooms, hummus, courgettes and potatoes const answers = ctx.createAnswers(6, { answer: 'yes', food: 'vegan' }) await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-vegan-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 6, mushrooms: 6, eggplants: 2, courgettes: 2, hummus: 2, }) }) // 2) veggie but no vegan tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { food: 'veggie' } // should create a list with eggplants, mushrooms, courgettes and potatoes const answers = [ ...ctx.createAnswers(2, { answer: 'no', food: 'veggie' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(4, { answer: 'yes', food: 'veggie' }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-veggie-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 4, mushrooms: 4, eggplants: 2, courgettes: 2, hummus: 2, }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { food: 'veggie' } // should create a list with eggplants, mushrooms, hummus, courgettes and potatoes const answers = ctx.createAnswers(6, { answer: 'yes', food: 'veggie' }) await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-veggie-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 6, mushrooms: 6, eggplants: 2, courgettes: 2, hummus: 2, }) }) // 3) both tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { food: 'vegan' } and { food: 'veggie' } // should create a list with eggplants, mushrooms, courgettes and potatoes const answers = [ ...ctx.createAnswers(4, { answer: 'yes', food: 'vegan' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(2, { answer: 'yes', food: 'veggie' }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-vegg-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 6, mushrooms: 6, eggplants: 2, courgettes: 2, hummus: 2, }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test when vips answer { food: 'vegan' } and { food: 'veggie' } // should create a list with eggplants, mushrooms, hummus, courgettes and potatoes const answers = [ ...ctx.createAnswers(6, { answer: 'yes', food: 'vegan' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(1, { answer: 'yes', food: 'veggie' }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'happy-vegg-list.json') return eq(data, { potatoes: 7, mushrooms: 7, eggplants: 3, courgettes: 3, hummus: 3, }) }) // test with existing file tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test with an existing file // should add elems to the existing list await writeFile( `${ctx.tmpPath}/old-happy-list.json`, JSON.stringify({ candies: 2000 }), ) const answers = ctx.createAnswers(1, { answer: 'yes', food: 'vegan' }) await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'old-happy-list.json') return eq(data, { candies: 2000, potatoes: 1, mushrooms: 1, eggplants: 1, courgettes: 1, hummus: 1, }) }) tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test with an existing file // should replace elems in the existing list (if already there) await writeFile( `${ctx.tmpPath}/old-happy-list.json`, JSON.stringify({ candies: 2000, potatoes: 32 }), ) const answers = ctx.createAnswers(1, { answer: 'yes', food: 'vegan' }) await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'old-happy-list.json') return eq(data, { candies: 2000, potatoes: 1, mushrooms: 1, eggplants: 1, courgettes: 1, hummus: 1, }) }) // test with a little bit of everything tests.push(async ({ path, eq, ctx }) => { // test with mix of everything await writeFile( `${ctx.tmpPath}/party.json`, JSON.stringify({ 'super-gift': 1, balloons: 100, 'flower-bouquet': 7 }), ) const answers = [ ...ctx.createAnswers(7, { answer: 'no', food: 'vegan', drink: 'water' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(2, { answer: 'yes', food: 'carnivore', drink: 'soft', }), ...ctx.createAnswers(6, { answer: 'yes', food: 'vegan', drink: 'water' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(2, { answer: 'yes', food: 'veggie', drink: 'water' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(3, { answer: 'yes', food: 'veggie', drink: 'beer' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(11, { answer: 'yes', food: 'fish', drink: 'wine' }), ...ctx.createAnswers(4, { answer: 'yes', food: 'everything', drink: 'beer', }), ] await ctx.setAnswersIn({ folder: 'guests', answers }) const { data } = await'guests', 'party.json') return eq(data, { 'super-gift': 1, balloons: 100, 'flower-bouquet': 7, potatoes: 28, mushrooms: 11, eggplants: 4, courgettes: 4, hummus: 4, sardines: 11, burgers: 2, kebabs: 4, '6-packs-beers': 2, 'wine-bottles': 3, 'water-bottles': 2, 'soft-bottles': 1, }) }) Object.freeze(tests)