## hash-file ### Instructions Create a function `hashFile(fpath)` that given the name of a file in the current folder, expected to be a string, returns the hash `sha256` of the content of this file as a string. Here an example on how you should make your function used from external scripts: ```js exports.hasFile = ... ``` ### Usage Here below an example of `main.js` script to test the usage of the `hashFile` function: ```js const hash = await hashFile('textfile.txt') console.log(hash) ``` And its usage: ```console $ cat textfile.txt Sometimes science is more art than science.$ Sometimes science is more art than science. $ node main.js bd9ecabfb0c9a310cbca5ef1dd6456486236ba58a1d8a4eaf2b0a40283525cd9 $ ``` ### Notions - [Node.js _crypto_ hash](https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v14.x/api/crypto.html#crypto_class_hash) - [Node.js _fs.readFile_](https://nodejs.org/api/fs.html#filehandlereadfileoptions) - [Wikipedia: Hash_function](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hash_function)