#### General ##### Check the Repo content A `README.md` file and all files used to create and delete and manage the student infrastructure must be submitted in the repo. ###### Are all the required files present? ###### `.env` file is not exists in the repo? ###### Are all pushed files in the repo clean of any credentials or passwords? ##### Ask the following questions to the group or student ###### What are containers and what are their benefits of it? ###### What is the difference between containers and virtual machines? ###### What is docker and what is its main role of it? ###### Did the student reply correctly to the questions? ##### Check the Student Documentation The Documentation must exists in the `README.md` file! ###### Did the README.md file contains the all required information about the solution(Prerequisites, Configuration, Setup, Usage, ...)? ##### Check the student infrastructure: The student must implement this architecture: ![architecture](../pictures/architecture.png) ##### Run the student infrastructure: ```console user:~$ docker-compose up <...> inventory-database ... done billing-database ... done inventory-app ... done billing-app ... done RabbitMQ ... done api-gateway-app ... done <...> user:~$ ``` ###### did the student respect the architecture? ###### did the infrastructure start correctly? ##### Ask the following questions to the group or student ###### What is microservices architecture? ###### Why do we use microservices architecture? ###### What is a queue and what are its benefits of it? ###### What is RabbitMQ? ###### Did the student reply correctly to the questions? ##### Verify the Dockerfiles: ###### Is there a Dockerfile for each service? ###### Are all Dockerfiles based on Debian or alpine? ###### There is no sensitive data in DockerFiles or other solution files, rather it's exists in the `.env`? ##### Ask the following questions to the group or student ###### Explain What is a Dockerfile ###### Explain the instructions used on the Dockerfile ###### Did the student reply correctly to the questions? ##### Check the Containers: ```console user:~$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES <...> inventory-database <...> <...> <...> 5432/tcp inventory-database <...> billing-database <...> <...> <...> 5432/tcp billing-database <...> inventory-app <...> <...> <...> 8080/tcp inventory-app <...> billing-app <...> <...> <...> 8080/tcp billing-app <...> RabbitMQ <...> <...> <...> 5672/tcp RabbitMQ <...> api-gateway-app <...> <...> <...>>3000/tcp, :::3000->3000/tcp api-gateway-app user:~$ ``` - `inventory-database container` is a SQL database server that contains the inventory database, it must be accessible via port `5432`. - `billing-database container` is a SQL database server that contains the billing database, it must be accessible via port `5432`. - `inventory-app container` is a Node.Js server that contains the inventory-app code running and connected to the inventory database and accessible via port `8080`. - `billing-app container` is a Node.Js server that contains the billing-app code running and connected to the billing database and consuming the messages from the RabbitMQ queue, and it can be accessible via port `8080`. - `RabbitMQ container` is a RabbitMQ server that contains the queue - `api-gateway-app container` is a Node.Js server that contains the api-gateway-app code running and forwarding the requests to the other services and it's accessible via port `3000`. ##### Check the Container restart policy: ```console user:~$ docker inspect -f "{{ .HostConfig.RestartPolicy }}" {on-failure 0} user:~$ ``` ###### Do all containers exists with the correct configuration? ###### Do the containers configured to restart in case of failure? ##### Check the Docker volumes: ```console user:~$ docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME <...> inventory-database <...> billing-database <...> api-gateway-app user:~$ ``` - `inventory-database volume` contains the inventory database. - `billing-database volume` contains the billing database. - `api-gateway-app volume` contains the Api gateway logs. ###### Do all volumes exist with the correct configuration? ##### Ask the following questions to the group or student ###### What is Docker volume? ###### Why do we use Docker volume? ###### Did the student reply correctly to the questions? ##### Check the solution network: ###### Does the connection from outside the docker host allowed only to the api-gateway-app? ###### Is the connection to the api-gateway-app protected by SSL certification (self-signed certification is authorized)? ##### Ask the following questions to the group or student ###### What is the Docker network? ###### Why do we use the Docker network? ###### What is an SSL certification and why do we use it? ###### Did the student reply correctly to the questions? ##### Check the Docker images: ```console user:~$ docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE inventory-database <...> <...> <...> <...> billing-database <...> <...> <...> <...> inventory-app <...> <...> <...> <...> billing-app <...> <...> <...> <...> RabbitMQ <...> <...> <...> <...> api-gateway-app <...> <...> <...> <...> user:~$ ``` ###### Is there a Docker image for each service with the same service name? ##### Ask the following questions to the group or student ###### What is a Docker image? ###### Why do we use Docker images? ###### Where we can find some Public Docker images? ###### Did the student reply correctly to the questions? ##### Test The solution #### Inventory API Endpoints ##### Open Postman and make a `POST` request to `http://[GATEWAY_IP]:[GATEWAY_PORT]/api/movies/` address with the following body as `Content-Type: application/json`: ```json { "title": "A new movie", "description": "Very short description" } ``` ###### Can you confirm the response was the success code `200`? ##### In Postman make a `GET` request to `http://[GATEWAY_IP]:[GATEWAY_PORT]/api/movies/` address. ###### Can you confirm the response was success code `200` and the body of the response is in `json` with the information of the last added movie? #### Billing API Endpoints ##### Open Postman and make a `POST` request to `http://[GATEWAY_IP]:[GATEWAY_PORT]/api/billing/` address with the following body as `Content-Type: application/json`: ```json { "user_id": "20", "number_of_items": "99", "total_amount": "250" } ``` ###### Can you confirm the response was success code `200`? ##### Stop the billing-app container ###### Can you confirm the `billing-app` container was correctly stopped? ##### Open Postman and make a `POST` request to `http://[GATEWAY_IP]:[GATEWAY_PORT]/api/billing/` address with the following body as `Content-Type: application/json`: ```json { "user_id": "22", "number_of_items": "10", "total_amount": "50" } ``` ###### Can you confirm the response was success code `200` even if the `billing_app` is not working? #### Bonus ###### + Did the student add any optional bonus? ###### + Is this project an outstanding project?