import { gossips } from './subjects/gossip-grid/data.js' export const tests = [] tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => { // test that the grid is properly generated const content = await page.$$eval('.gossip', nodes => => n.textContent)) eq(content, ['Share gossip!', ...gossips]) }) tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => { // test that you can add a gossip const rand = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2) await page.type('textarea', `coucou ${rand}`) await'.gossip button') const content = await page.$eval('div.gossip', n => n.textContent) eq(content, `coucou ${rand}`) }) const getStyle = (nodes, key) => =>[key]) tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => { // test that you can change the width to the min const min = await page.$eval('#width', n => { n.value = n.min n.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')) return Number(n.min) }) eq(min, 200) const values = await page.$$eval('div.gossip', getStyle, 'width') eq(Array(gossips.length + 1).fill(`${min}px`), values) }) tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => { // test that you can change the width to the max const max = await page.$eval('#width', n => { n.value = n.max n.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')) return Number(n.max) }) eq(max, 800) const values = await page.$$eval('div.gossip', getStyle, 'width') eq(Array(gossips.length + 1).fill(`${max}px`), values) }) tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => { // test that you can change the font-size to the min const min = await page.$eval('#fontSize', n => { n.value = n.min n.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')) return Number(n.min) }) eq(min, 20) const values = await page.$$eval('div.gossip', getStyle, 'fontSize') eq(Array(gossips.length + 1).fill(`${min}px`), values) }) tests.push(async ({ page, eq }) => { // test that you can change the font-size to the max const max = await page.$eval('#fontSize', n => { n.value = n.max n.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')) return Number(n.max) }) eq(max, 40) const values = await page.$$eval('div.gossip', getStyle, 'fontSize') eq(Array(gossips.length + 1).fill(`${max}px`), values) }) const getBackground = (nodes, key) => => || tests.push(async ({ page, eq, rgbToHsl }) => { // test that you can change the background to the darkest const min = await page.$eval('#background', n => { n.value = n.min n.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')) return Number(n.min) }) eq(min, 20) const values = await page.$$eval('div.gossip', getBackground) const lightness =[h,s,l]) => l) eq(Array(gossips.length + 1).fill(min), lightness) }) tests.push(async ({ page, eq, rgbToHsl }) => { // test that you can change the background to the darkest const max = await page.$eval('#background', n => { n.value = n.max n.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')) return Number(n.max) }) eq(max, 75) const values = await page.$$eval('div.gossip', getBackground) const lightness =[h,s,l]) => Math.round(l)) eq(Array(gossips.length + 1).fill(max), lightness) })