#### Functional ##### Try to run the application. ###### Is the application running? ##### Try to generate a vehicle by pressing the `"Arrow Up"` key. ###### Was a vehicle generated from the cardinal south? ##### Try to generate a vehicle by pressing the `"Arrow Down"` key. ###### Was a vehicle generated from the cardinal North? ##### Try to generate a vehicle by pressing the `"Arrow Right"` key. ###### Was a vehicle generated from the cardinal west? ##### Try to generate a vehicle by pressing the `"Arrow left"` key. ###### Was a vehicle generated from the cardinal east? ##### Try pressing the `"R"` key. ###### Was the vehicle generated randomly (random lane and route)? ##### Try pressing the `"R"` key more than 5 times to generate multiple vehicles in different lines. ###### Can you confirm that the vehicles were created and maintain a safe distance from one another? ##### Try to generate three vehicles in the same lane (do this on all lanes one at a time). ###### Can you confirm that the vehicles were created with a safe distance one from another? ##### Try to generate two vehicles at the same time, one using the `"Up"` key and the other using the `"Down"` key (do this at least 3 times). ###### Did all the vehicles passed the intersection without any collision? ##### Try to generate two vehicles at the same time, one using the `"Right"` key and the other using the `"Left"` key (do this at least 3 times). ###### Did all the vehicles passed the intersection without any collision? ##### Try to generate two vehicles at the same time, one using the `"Up"` key and the other using the `"Left"` key (do this at least 3 times). ###### Did all the vehicles passed the intersection without any collision? ##### Try to generate two vehicles at the same time, one using the `"Up"` key and the other using the `"Right"` key (do this at least 3 times). ###### Did all the vehicles passed the intersection without any collision? ##### Try to generate two vehicles at the same time, one using the `"Down"` key and the other using the `"Left"` key (do this at least 3 times). ###### Did all the vehicles passed the intersection without any collision? ##### Try to generate two vehicles at the same time, one using the `"Down"` key and the other using the `"Right"` key (do this at least 3 times). ###### Did all the vehicles passed the intersection without any collision? ##### Try to generate five vehicles using the `"Up"` key, at the same time generate two vehicles using the `"Right"` key. ###### Did all the vehicles passed the intersection without any collision? ##### Try to generate one vehicle for all the lanes (do this at least 3 times). ###### Did all the vehicles passed the intersection without any collision? ##### Try to generate vehicles randomly using the `"R"` key. Then wait for at least 1 min. ###### Did all the vehicles passed the intersection without any collision? ##### Try to generate multiple vehicles in lanes of your choice. ###### Did all the vehicles passed the intersection without any collision? ##### Try pressing the `"Esc"` key. ###### Was the simulation finished? ###### Was there a low traffic congestion while running the application? (ex: high traffic congestion can be 8 or more vehicles in the same lane without proceeding)? #### General ###### Can you confirm that it is impossible to spam the creation of vehicles (by pressing the arrow keys to many times or leave it pressed)? ###### Are vehicles assigned to their own route, and if so, do they obey that route? (you can use the colors for each route to see this, ask the owner of the raid for instructions) ###### Do the vehicles kept a safe distance (do not collide whenever one stops)? ###### Do vehicles stop whenever there is a red light? ###### Do vehicles proceed whenever there is a green light? #### Bonus ###### +Is there any type of image sprite for traffic light? (An image sprite is a collection of images put into a single image.) ###### +Did the student implement some kind of animation and image sprite for the vehicle? ###### +Did the student implement more features than those in the subject?