## traits ### Instructions Imagine you are designing a new video game and you have to create food that the players can eat to gain strength. There are two types of food for now: - Fruit: increase the strength by 4 units per each kilogram of fruit consumed. - Meat: has the weight in kilograms `weight_in_kg` (which is the weight of the whole piece) and the `fat_content` which corresponds to the percentage of the weight which is pure fat (the rest is considered protein) each kilogram of protein gives 4 units of `strength` and each kilogram of fat gives 9 units of `strength`. Define the `Food` trait for `Fruit` and `Meat`. The required method `gives()` represents the energy that the food provides. Implement the `std::fmt::Display` trait for `Player` structure in a way that when using the template `{}` inside a println! macro it will print: - In the first line, the name of the player - In the second line the strength, score and the money - In the third line the weapons ### Notions - [Traits](https://doc.rust-lang.org/book/ch10-02-traits.html) ### Expected Functions and Structures ```rust #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Player { pub name: String, pub strength: f64, pub score: i32, pub money: i32, pub weapons: Vec, } pub struct Fruit { pub weight_in_kg: f64, } pub struct Meat { pub weight_in_kg: f64, pub fat_content: f64, } impl Player { fn eat(&mut self, food: T) { self.strength += food.gives(); } } pub trait Food { fn gives(&self) -> f64; } impl Food for Fruit { } impl Food for Meat { } ``` ### Usage Here is a program to test your functions and traits. ```rust use traits::*; fn main() { let apple = Fruit { weight_in_kg: 1.0 }; println!("this apple gives {} units of strength", apple.gives()); let steak = Meat { weight_in_kg: 1.0, fat_content: 1.0, }; let mut player1 = Player { name: String::from("player1"), strength: 1.0, score: 0, money: 0, weapons: vec![String::from("knife")], }; println!("Before eating {:?}", player1); player1.eat(apple); println!("After eating an apple\n{}", player1); player1.eat(steak); println!("After eating a steak\n{}", player1); } ``` And its output: ```console $ cargo run this apple gives 4 units of strength Before eating Player { name: "player1", strength: 1.0, score: 0, money: 0, weapons: ["knife"] } After eating an apple player1 Strength: 5, Score: 0, Money: 0 Weapons: ["knife"] After eating a steak player1 Strength: 14, Score: 0, Money: 0 Weapons: ["knife"] $ ```