You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

21 lines
721 B

export const tests = []
const t = (f) => tests.push(f)
t(() => sameAmount('hello how are you', /l/, /e/))
t(() => sameAmount('hello how are you', /h/, /e/))
t(() => sameAmount('hello how are you', /he/, /ho/))
t(() => sameAmount(data, /i/, /p/))
t(() => !sameAmount(data, /h/, /w/))
t(() => sameAmount(data, /qqqq /, /qqqqqqq/))
t(() => !sameAmount(data, /q /, /qqqqqqq/))
t(() => sameAmount(data, /fs[^q]/, /q /))
t(() => sameAmount(data, /^[qs]/, /^[gq]/))
t(() => sameAmount(data, /j/, /w/))
t(() => !sameAmount(data, /j/, / /))
t(() => sameAmount(data, /fs./, /jn./))
const data = `qqqqqqq q qqqqqqqfsqqqqq q qq qw w wq wqw wqw
ijnjjnfapsdbjnkfsdiqw klfsdjn fs fsdnjnkfsdjnk sfdjn fsp fd`