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Write a function SortedListMerge that mereges two lists, n1 and n2, but it as to join them in ascending order.

  • Tip each list as to be already sorted.

  • Use pointers when ever you can.

Expected function and structure

func SortedListMerge(n1 *Nodee, n2 *Nodee) *Nodee {



Here is a possible program to test your function :

package main

import (

	piscine ".."

type node = piscine.Nodee
type nodes = piscine.Nodee

func PrintList(l *piscine.Nodee) {
	m := l
	for m != nil {
		fmt.Print(m.Data, " -> ")
		m = m.Next

func listPushBack(l *piscine.Nodee, data int) *piscine.Nodee {
	n := &piscine.Nodee{Data: data}

	if l == nil {
		return n
	iterator := l
	for iterator.Next != nil {
		iterator = iterator.Next
	iterator.Next = n
	return l

func main() {
	var link *node
	var link2 *nodes

	link = listPushBack(link, 5)
	link = listPushBack(link, 3)
	link = listPushBack(link, 7)

	link2 = listPushBack(link2, -2)
	link2 = listPushBack(link2, 4)

	PrintList(piscine.SortedListMerge(link2, link))

And its output :

student@ubuntu:~/piscine/test$ go build
student@ubuntu:~/piscine/test$ ./test
-2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 5 -> 7 -> <nil>