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Play and finish the game
Does it asks for a name?
Play and finish the game
Does the scoreboard appear?
Try making a GET request to the GO server API
Does the request present the right information?
Try making a POST request to the GO server API, then make a GET request to see if the information posted is correct
Is the information correct?
Does the scoreboard have position, name and score properties?
Is the scoreboard in descending order (ordered by score)?
Does the scoreboard have pagination?
Try to see the next page
Does it display the next page of scores correctly?
Play and finish the game, then search for your name
Does the scoreboard present your name and all the right information?
Try using the Dev Tool/Performance
Does it not present frame drop?
Try using the Dev Tool/Performance
Does the game run at or around 60fps


+Does the project runs quickly and effectively? (Favoring recursive, no unnecessary data requests, etc)
+Does the code obey the good practices?
+Is the code using synchronicity to increase performance?
+Do you think in general this project is well done?