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Abdelilah Khossan 78e9c1846c
CON-1881-Review-java-piscine-subjects-Fix-grammar-and-semantic-issues (#2102)
1 year ago
.. CON-1881-Review-java-piscine-subjects-Fix-grammar-and-semantic-issues (#2102) 1 year ago



We create now the weapon for our adventurers. Create a new class Weapon in a new file

It has two attributes :

  • A String called name with a getter.
  • An integer called damage with a getter.

The constructor takes in both attributes as parameters.

Let's override toString method for this class : it returns a string under the format <name> deals <damage> damages

Now, add a weapon attribute to the Character class, in its constructor and in the constructor of all subclasses.

In all subclasses, in attack method, you need to use damage when calling takeDamage method. If the character has no weapon, use the previous defined damage per subclasses.

Update toString method of all subclasses by using the concatenation of the current value with the following string : He has the weapon <weapon.toString>.


Here is a possible to test your function :

public class ExerciseRunner {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Weapon narsil = new Weapon("Narsil", 15);
        Weapon baguette = new Weapon("Baguette magique", 20);
        Weapon massue = new Weapon("Massue", 8);
        Monster troll = new Monster("Troll", 30,  massue);
        Sorcerer dumbledore = new Sorcerer("Dumbledore", 25, 5, baguette);
        Templar alistair = new Templar("Alistair", 18, 2, 3, narsil);

        Character.fight(alistair, troll);


and its output :

$ javac *.java -d build
$ java -cp build ExerciseRunner 
Characters currently fighting :
 - Troll is a monster and is dead. He has the weapon Massue deals 8 damages.
 - Dumbledore is a sorcerer with 25 HP. It can heal 5 HP. He has the weapon Baguette magique deals 20 damages.
 - Alistair is a strong Templar with 12 HP. It can heal 2 HP and has a shield of 3. He has the weapon Narsil deals 15 damages.