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Abdelilah Khossan 78e9c1846c
CON-1881-Review-java-piscine-subjects-Fix-grammar-and-semantic-issues (#2102)
1 year ago
.. CON-1881-Review-java-piscine-subjects-Fix-grammar-and-semantic-issues (#2102) 1 year ago



Now let's implement the Observer Design Pattern

class ValuePublisher {   
    -List~NumericBaseObserver~ observers
    +updateState(int value)
    +subscribe(NumericBaseObserver observer)
    +unsubscribe(NumericBaseObserver observer)

class NumericBaseObserver {
    +updateState(int state)*
    +getEvents()* List~String~

class BinaryBaseObserver {
    -List~String~ events
    +updateState(int state)
    +getEvents() List<String>
class DecimalBaseObserver {
    -List~String~ events
    +updateState(int state)
    +getEvents() List<String>
class HexaBaseObserver {
    -List~String~ events
    +updateState(int state)
    +getEvents() List<String>

ValuePublisher o-- NumericBaseObserver
NumericBaseObserver <|.. BinaryBaseObserver
NumericBaseObserver <|.. DecimalBaseObserver
NumericBaseObserver <|.. HexaBaseObserver

Here is the matching class diagram. Create the matching classes in the matching files.

Here is the description :

  • For ValuePublisher :
    • updateState calls the updateState method of all observers.
    • subscribe should add the observer to the list of observers.
    • unsubscribe should remove the observer from the list of observers.
  • For BinaryBaseObserver :
    • updateState should add the binary String representation of its parameter to the list of events (e.g. for 13, should add "1101")
    • getEvents should return the list of events.
  • For DecimalBaseObserver :
    • updateState should add the decimal String representation of its parameter to the list of events (e.g. for 13, should add "13")
    • getEvents should return the list of events.
  • For HexaBaseObserver :
    • updateState should add the hexadecimal String representation of its parameter to the list of events (e.g. for 13, should add "d")
    • getEvents should return the list of events.


Here is a possible to test your function :

public class ExerciseRunner {

  public static void main(String[] args)  {
    ValuePublisher publisher = new ValuePublisher();

    BinaryBaseObserver binaryObserver = new BinaryBaseObserver();
    DecimalBaseObserver decimalObserver = new DecimalBaseObserver();
    HexaBaseObserver hexaObserver = new HexaBaseObserver();



    System.out.println("Binary " + binaryObserver.getEvents());
    System.out.println("Decimal " + decimalObserver.getEvents());
    System.out.println("Hexa " + hexaObserver.getEvents());

and its output :

$ javac *.java -d build
$ java -cp build ExerciseRunner 
Binary [10011100110, 1011001100001111, 10110110101000001111110]
Decimal [1254, 45839, 5984382]
Hexa [4e6, b30f, 5b507e]


Class diagram