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davhojt a30e6398d4 docs(going-on-holiday): match exercise names to subject 1 year ago
.. docs(going-on-holiday): match exercise names to subject 1 year ago

Interview Guide

Is the deliverable labeled as Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
Is the deliverable in the correct format (PDF)?
Is there a title within the document?
Is the document clear, simple and easy to read?
Is the main purpose of the interview written?
Is there a proper introduction that describes the interviewer and the purpose of this interview?
Are there 1 to 3 hypotheses?
Are there 3 to 5 main topics?
Are there some screening questions?
Are there open-ended questions (10 max)?
Is there a funnel process (broader to more accurate questions)?
Is there a conclusion with the next steps and a thank you message?

Run interviews

Is the deliverable labeled as Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
Is the deliverable in the correct format (PDF)?
Is there a title within the document?
Is the document clear, simple and easy to read?
Are the scripts from all the interviews in the document?
Are there at least 6 different interviews?
Are there at least 3 interviews with random people outside the building (ask the conditions where the interview was triggered and made)?
Do the questions from the interview guide match the written script of the interview?

Affinity diagram & Empathy map

Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”?
Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read?
Is there an affinity diagram that is digital (on Miro) or on paper?
Is there an empathy map that is digital (on Miro) or on paper?
Are there multiple sticky notes that match with the transcription?
Are the sticky notes gathered in clusters?
Are the clusters labeled?
Is the empathy map filled ONLY with the content from the student affinity diagram?
Is the "See" section complete?
Is the "Say & Do" section complete?
Is the "Hear" section complete?
Is the "Think and Feel" section complete?
Is the "Pain" section complete?
Is the "Goal" section complete?

Problem Statement

Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
Is the deliverable in the correct format (PDF)?
Is there a title within the document?
Is the document clear, simple and easy to read?
Is the problem statement written with a "How Might We" question?
Does it include the user's main goal?
Does is include the user's main pain?
Is it narrow enough?
Is it broad enough?


Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”?
Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read?
Are there pictures of the ideation workshop?
Is the script consistent with the goal of the workshop?
Is there at least one picture of each of the workshops?
Is there a PDF document with at least 3 ideas that came out the 2 workshops?
Do the ideas offer a way to solve the problem statement?

User flow

Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”?
Is the deliverable labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
Is the document clear, simple and easy to read?
Is there a user flow (picture of the paper version or digital)?
Does the user have a specific goal?
Is there a starting point and an ending point?
Is the ending point the goal of the user?
Is there a series of actions organized in rectangles (actions) or diamonds (choices)?
Are the actions linked with arrows?


Is there a zip folder labeled as “ProjectTitle_Name_FirstName”?
Are the deliverables labeled as “Name_FirstName_DeliverableName_Date_VersionNumber”?
Are the documents clear, simple and easy to read?
Are there picture of a paper prototype?
Are there between 6 and 12 different screens on the paper prototype?
Do the screens match the main steps of the user flow? (ask the student to show you)
Are there mid-fidelity wireframes on Figma that match the paper prototypes?
Are the paper prototypes and wireframes in black, grey, and white and do not include any style elements?. (ask the student to show you)
Does each screen have the main navigation elements (arrows, menu, call to actions)?
Does each screen follow the other according to the user flow?