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Like we did with Objects, we can modify our arrays.

replacing an Array value

Let's look at an example of code:

let weekDays = [

// Let's say I don't want Monday but a Second Sunday
weekDays[0] = 'Second Sunday'

In this example, we select the element at index 0 (with weekDays[0]) and then assign it using the = (assign operator) the value 'Second Sunday'

Now my array look like this:

  'Second Sunday',


  • You must replace the third element of the provided replaceMe array by the string 'great'


let replaceMe = ['pif','paf','pom']
//    expect -> ['pif','paf','great']
  • You must swap the first and second element of the provided swapMe array.


let swapMe = ['pif','paf','pom']
// expect -> ['paf','pif','pom'] (last element is untouched)

You must modify the swapMe array, not create a new one !