You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

422 lines
11 KiB

package lib
import (
func init() {
if bits.UintSize != 64 {
panic("only works on 64 bits CPU")
const (
MinInt = ^MaxInt
MaxInt = 1<<63 - 1
StrLen = 13 // Default length of random strings
SliceLen = 8 // Default length of slices
var (
nsSince1970 = time.Now().UnixNano()
bigRand = rand.New(rand.NewSource(nsSince1970))
// charsets
Digit = RuneRange('0', '9') // Decimal digit characters
Lower = RuneRange('a', 'z') // Lowercase latin alphabet characters
Upper = RuneRange('A', 'Z') // Uppercase latin alphabet characters
ASCII = RuneRange(' ', '~') // ASCII printable characters
Space = strings.Repeat(" ", StrLen) // Spaces characters
Basic = Lower + Upper // Lower and Upper characters
Alnum = Basic + Digit // Basic and Digit characters
Words = Alnum + Space // Alnum and Space characters
func init() {
// RuneRange returns a string containing all the valid runes from a to b.
func RuneRange(a, b rune) string {
var s []rune
for {
if utf8.ValidRune(a) {
s = append(s, a)
if a == b {
return string(s)
if a < b {
} else {
// IntRange returns a slice containing all the int from a to b.
func IntRange(a, b int) (s []int) {
for {
s = append(s, a)
if a == b {
if a < b {
} else {
// RandIntBetween returns a random int between a and b included.
func RandIntBetween(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
a, b = b, a
n := big.NewInt(int64(b)) // b
n.Sub(n, big.NewInt(int64(a))) // b-a
n.Add(n, big.NewInt(1)) // b-a+1
n.Rand(bigRand, n) // 0 <= n <= b-a
n.Add(n, big.NewInt(int64(a))) // a <= n <= b
return int(n.Int64())
// RandPosZ returns a random int between 0 and MaxInt included.
func RandPosZ() int { return RandIntBetween(0, MaxInt) }
// RandPos returns a random int between 1 and MaxInt included.
func RandPos() int { return RandIntBetween(1, MaxInt) }
// RandInt returns a random int between MinInt and MaxInt included.
func RandInt() int { return RandIntBetween(MinInt, MaxInt) }
// RandNeg returns a random int between MinInt and 1 included.
func RandNeg() int { return RandIntBetween(MinInt, 1) }
// RandNegZ returns a random int between MinInt and 0 included.
func RandNegZ() int { return RandIntBetween(MinInt, 0) }
// MakeIntFunc returns a slice of ints created by f.
func MakeIntFunc(f func() int) (s []int) {
i := 0
for i < SliceLen {
s = append(s, f())
// MultRandPosZ returns a slice of random ints between 0 and MaxInt included.
func MultRandPosZ() []int { return MakeIntFunc(RandPosZ) }
// MultRandPos returns a slice of random ints between 1 and MaxInt included.
func MultRandPos() []int { return MakeIntFunc(RandPos) }
// MultRandInt returns a slice of random ints between MinInt and MaxInt included.
func MultRandInt() []int { return MakeIntFunc(RandInt) }
// MultRandNeg returns a slice of random ints between MinInt and 1 included.
func MultRandNeg() []int { return MakeIntFunc(RandNeg) }
// MultRandNegZ returns a slice of random ints between MinInt and 0 included.
func MultRandNegZ() []int { return MakeIntFunc(RandNegZ) }
// MultRandIntBetween returns a slice of random ints between a and b included.
func MultRandIntBetween(a, b int) []int {
return MakeIntFunc(func() int { return RandIntBetween(a, b) })
// RandRune returns a random printable rune
// (although you may not have the corresponding glyph).
// One-in-ten chance to get a rune higher than 0x10000 (1<<16).
func RandRune() rune {
ranges := unicode.PrintRanges
table := ranges[rand.Intn(len(ranges))]
if rand.Intn(10) == 0 {
r := table.R32[rand.Intn(len(table.R32))]
n := uint32(rand.Intn(int((r.Hi-r.Lo)/r.Stride) + 1))
return rune(r.Lo + n*r.Stride)
r := table.R16[rand.Intn(len(table.R16))]
n := uint16(rand.Intn(int((r.Hi-r.Lo)/r.Stride) + 1))
return rune(r.Lo + n*r.Stride)
// RandStr returns a string with l random characters taken from chars.
// If chars is empty, the characters are random printable runes.
func RandStr(l int, chars string) string {
if l <= 0 {
return ""
dst := make([]rune, l)
if chars == "" {
for i := range dst {
dst[i] = RandRune()
} else {
src := []rune(chars)
for i := range dst {
r := rand.Intn(len(src))
dst[i] = src[r]
return string(dst)
// RandDigit returns a string containing random decimal digit characters.
func RandDigit() string { return RandStr(StrLen, Digit) }
// RandLower returns a string containing random lowercase latin alphabet characters.
func RandLower() string { return RandStr(StrLen, Lower) }
// RandUpper returns a string containing random uppercase latin alphabet characters.
func RandUpper() string { return RandStr(StrLen, Upper) }
// RandASCII returns a string containing random ASCII printable characters.
func RandASCII() string { return RandStr(StrLen, ASCII) }
// RandSpace returns a string containing random spaces characters.
func RandSpace() string { return RandStr(StrLen, Space) }
// RandBasic returns a string containing random lower and upper characters.
func RandBasic() string { return RandStr(StrLen, Basic) }
// RandAlnum returns a string containing random basic and digit characters.
func RandAlnum() string { return RandStr(StrLen, Alnum) }
// RandWords returns a string containing random alphanumeric and space characters.
func RandWords() string { return RandStr(StrLen, Words) }
// MakeStrFunc returns a slice of strings created by f.
func MakeStrFunc(f func() string) (s []string) {
i := 0
for i < StrLen {
s = append(s, f())
// MultRandDigit returns a slice of strings containing random Decimal digit characters.
func MultRandDigit() []string { return MakeStrFunc(RandDigit) }
// MultRandLower returns a slice of strings containing random Lowercase latin alphabet.
func MultRandLower() []string { return MakeStrFunc(RandLower) }
// MultRandUpper returns a slice of strings containing random Uppercase latin alphabet.
func MultRandUpper() []string { return MakeStrFunc(RandUpper) }
// MultRandASCII returns a slice of strings containing random ASCII printable characters.
func MultRandASCII() []string { return MakeStrFunc(RandASCII) }
// MultRandSpace returns a slice of strings containing random Spaces characters.
func MultRandSpace() []string { return MakeStrFunc(RandSpace) }
// MultRandBasic returns a slice of strings containing random Lower and Upper characters.
func MultRandBasic() []string { return MakeStrFunc(RandBasic) }
// MultRandAlnum returns a slice of strings containing random Basic and Digit characters.
func MultRandAlnum() []string { return MakeStrFunc(RandAlnum) }
// MultRandWords returns a slice of strings containing random Alnum and Space characters.
func MultRandWords() []string { return MakeStrFunc(RandWords) }
func Format(a ...interface{}) string {
ss := make([]string, len(a))
for i, v := range a {
switch v.(type) {
case nil:
ss[i] = "nil" // instead of "<nil>"
byte, // uint8
rune: // int32
// string : a double-quoted string safely escaped with Go syntax
// byte, rune : a single-quoted character literal safely escaped with Go syntax
ss[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%q", v)
// a Go-syntax representation of the value
ss[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%#v", v)
return strings.Join(ss, ", ")
var valueOf = reflect.ValueOf
func Call(fn interface{}, args []interface{}) []interface{} {
// Convert args from []interface{} to []reflect.Value
vals := make([]reflect.Value, len(args))
for i, v := range args {
if v != nil {
vals[i] = valueOf(v)
} else {
vals[i] = reflect.Zero(reflect.TypeOf((*interface{})(nil)).Elem())
vals = valueOf(fn).Call(vals)
// Convert the return values from []reflect.Value to []interface{}
result := make([]interface{}, len(vals))
for i, v := range vals {
result[i] = v.Interface()
return result
type Output struct {
Results []interface{}
Stdout string
func Monitor(fn interface{}, args []interface{}) (out Output) {
old := os.Stdout
r, w, err := os.Pipe()
if err != nil {
Fatalln("Cannot create pipe.")
os.Stdout = w
out.Results = Call(fn, args)
outC := make(chan string)
var buf strings.Builder
go func() {
io.Copy(&buf, r)
outC <- buf.String()
os.Stdout = old
out.Stdout = <-outC
return out
func Challenge(name string, fn1, fn2 interface{}, args ...interface{}) {
st1 := Monitor(fn1, args)
st2 := Monitor(fn2, args)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(st1.Results, st2.Results) {
Fatalf("%s(%s) == %s instead of %s\n",
if !reflect.DeepEqual(st1.Stdout, st2.Stdout) {
Fatalf("%s(%s) prints:\n%s\ninstead of:\n%s\n",
func Fatal(a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprint(os.Stderr, a...)
func Fatalln(a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, a...)
func Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{}) {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, format, a...)
func ChallengeMain(exercise string, args ...string) {
run := func(name string) (string, int) {
b, err := exec.Command(name, args...).CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
if ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
return string(b), ee.ExitCode()
return string(b), 0
console := func(out string) string {
var quotedArgs []string
for _, arg := range args {
quotedArgs = append(quotedArgs, strconv.Quote(arg))
return fmt.Sprintf("\n$ ./%s %s\n%s$ ", exercise, strings.Join(quotedArgs, " "), out)
code := func(code int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("echo $?\n%d\n$", code)
student, studentCode := run("./" + exercise)
solution, solutionCode := run(exercise + "_correct")
if solutionCode != 0 {
if studentCode == 0 {
Fatalln("Your program does not fail when it should (with a non-zero exit status) :" + "\n" +
console(student) +
code(studentCode) + "\n\n" +
"Expected :\n" +
console(solution) +
code(solutionCode) + "\n\n" +
"Another example :\n" +
console("ERROR\n") +
firstLine := strings.SplitN(student, "\n", 1)[0]
handledError := strings.Contains(firstLine, "ERROR")
if !handledError {
Fatalln(`Your program does not handle the error, the first line of the output must contain "ERROR" :` + "\n" +
console(student) +
code(studentCode) + "\n\n" +
"Expected :\n" +
console(solution) +
code(solutionCode) + "\n\n" +
"Another example :\n" +
console("ERROR\n") +
if studentCode != 0 {
Fatalln("Your program fails (non-zero exit status) when it should not :\n" +
console(student) +
code(studentCode) + "\n\n" +
"Expected :\n" +
console(solution) +
if student != solution {
Fatalln("Your program output is not correct :\n" +
console(student) + "\n\n" +
"Expected :\n" +
// GCD returns greatest common divisor of a and b.
func GCD(a, b int) int {
for a != b {
if a > b {
a -= b
} else {
b -= a
return a
// TODO: check unhandled errors on all solutions (it should contains "ERROR" on the first line to prove we correctly handle the error)
// TODO: remove the number of rand functions, refactor test cases (aka "table")