Can you register a new user providing a username
, an email
, a password
and a password confirmation
Can you log in a user providing its email
and password
While not logged in, are there three buttons (Login
button, Leaderboard
button and Start Quiz
button) in the main menu?
While logged in, are there four buttons (Profile
button, Leaderboard
button, Start Quiz
button and Logout
button) in the main menu?
Start a quiz clicking on the Start Quiz
button while not logged in.
Were you redirected to the Login
Log in and start a new quiz.
Were you presented the questions and the available answers for each question?
Try to submit the quiz without answering all of the questions.
Were you unable to do submit the quiz?
Does the quiz contain at least one question of each category?
After answering all the questions try to submit the quiz.
Were you redirected to a results page, which shows how many answers were right, the number of total questions made and how many questions you answered right in each category?
Navigate to the Profile
Are the following all present? : the user username, the email, the xp, the correct rank (according to the README), the percentage of correct answers for each category, the number of correct answers for each category and the number of total questions answered for each category?
Navigate to the Leaderboard
Is there a table consisting of the top 10 players organized by XP amount?
Does the table contain in each row, the username of the player, the XP amount of the player, and the total correct answers of the player?