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"description": "duos is defined and is a function",
"code": "equal(typeof duos, 'function')"
"description": "duos takes two arguments",
"code": "equal(duos.length, 2)"
"description": "duos logs the expected result",
"code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\n\n// Your code\n\nduos('Batman', 'Robin')\nduos('Pinky', 'The Brain')\nduos('Bonnie', 'Clyde')\nduos('Mr.', 'Mrs.Smith')\n\nequal(\n => arg.join(' ')),\n [\n 'Batman and Robin !',\n 'Pinky and The Brain !',\n 'Bonnie and Clyde !',\n 'Mr. and Mrs.Smith !',\n ],\n)"
"description": "duosWork is defined and is a function",
"code": "equal(typeof duosWork, 'function')"
"description": "duosWork takes three arguments",
"code": "equal(duosWork.length, 3)"
"description": "duosWork logs the expected result",
"code": "const args = saveArguments(console, 'log')\n\n// Your code\n\nduosWork('Batman', 'Robin', 'protect Gotham')\nduosWork('Pinky', 'The Brain', 'want to conquer the world')\nduosWork('Bonnie', 'Clyde', 'escape the Police')\nduosWork('Mr.', 'Mrs.Smith', 'are the greatest spy couple')\n\nequal(\n => arg.join(' ')),\n [\n 'Batman and Robin protect Gotham !',\n 'Pinky and The Brain want to conquer the world !',\n 'Bonnie and Clyde escape the Police !',\n 'Mr. and Mrs.Smith are the greatest spy couple !',\n ],\n)"